𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 11

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♫ Say you're there when I feel helpless
If that's true, why don't you help me? ♫

Trigger Warning: There will be some strong mentions in this chapter. Please be careful before proceeding. Love you all <3

Sofia Morales POV

I made what Carlos asked, and for the next few weeks, I tried everything to keep out of his sight. And I did it successfully. Juan was always the one who turned in papers or went to the meetings. Christmas is around the corner and nobody works from the week of Christmas until the 7th of January depending on which day of the week it was, in 2022 it's a Friday so we are starting work on the 9th.

I was thinking about how my 3 weeks off when I see my brother entering the floor and coming in the direction of my office. This is not good. I got up so I could at least have some wiggle room to defend myself from a possible slap.

"We need you upstairs if you could spare us a few minutes" He didn't look me in the eyes, he just looked around. No pictures of anybody were hung out. I would usually love pictures, way too much but now I have no framed pictures here or at the apartment.

"Of course" I say locking my computer screen and preparing to go upstairs. I follow him to a reunion room, both our families were there and our lawyers too.

"Sofia" Our family lawyer, Antonio, says nicely and I nod.

"Hello. What is happening?" I ask confused and the only empty seat was between both lawyers so I sat.

"We want you to sign over the shares that were given to you on your 18th birthday" My dad says coldly and I nod.

"That makes sense. I can do that. Where do I sign?" I ask only looking at the lawyers, I wouldn't give them the pleasure of feeling sad about it. I don't care.

"This one is from the shares given to you by the Sainz'" Their lawyer says and I sign where he told me to.

"This is from the Morales'" Antonio says and I also sign it calmly. I looked briefly at him, none of them were in my sight and I saw how sad he looked to be doing this. I gave him a smile and nodded before getting up.

"It seems like everything is resolved. I will see you next year hopefully. Excuse me" I say taking a step back before trying to leave.

"That's it? We were your family, we raised you and watched you grow. You haven't even apologized for what you have done. He gave you 5 years of your life and you threw it all away for Miguel. What the fuck was that?" My dad asks getting up angrily. He never lost his temper, he just told me to leave his house for good. He was the only one who never talked about it.

"What do you want me to do? I did everything I could to keep this quiet. I was insulted, I was thrown out by my own family, I was humiliated, I was slapped and I was definitely made to fend for myself in a sea full of sharks. I kept to myself to be able to even survive after every single person inside this room turned their back on me like they hadn't known me for 23 years. I never had a chance, I never deserved a fucking shadow of doubt. I don't care what any of you think" I finally burst. The words left my mouth and it was like they burned me.

I resented them, every single one of them. The lawyers left quietly and it was me against them once again. The irony.

"Doubt? You fucked the most disgusting person I've ever met, my brother got that video on his birthday and you wanted us to do what? Check up on you to see if the sex was good?" Blanca asks defensively. By now everyone was standing up.

"I wanted someone to remember that a 5-minute video is just that. A fucking video. I will never, ever forgive any of you. No one questioned what happened or why or how. Jesus. I wish I had died that night. You are all insufferable. I was never anyone's concern. He was. So keep your attention on him like you always did. My ties to you have ended today, there is nothing more to give back that has been given to me by any of you" I say as rage burned through my throat. I was shaking from how angry I felt. I turned to finally open the door when his voice shushed the other trying to speak.

"Tell me something happened behind that video. Look me in the eyes and tell me there was something happening that could be worse than that" Carlos says and I think twice before turning around.

"No one will ever know what the fuck happened behind that camera. But I wish that none of you do. The guilt would burn you alive, along with your pride" I say looking at all of them before leaving.

I left work. I couldn't even think straight. I ended up in a place I shouldn't have. The place where it all happened. The place where I was found close to death. The place where someone decided to save me 5 and something years ago. The day I wish I had died.

The abandoned building beside the alley still has the burnt mark from when the car Carlos' gave me that was burned behind recognition. Miguel caught me in the car. He took me to his apartment and raped me, every blow and every punch was given to my lower body and legs, it wasn't noticeable on the video.

They couldn't have known but they should've known, they should've known that I would never do this of my free will. He left me for dead, he stabbed me once and he thought I would've died. I woke up two days later with my whole body in pain but alive. I remember asking in the ambulance that nobody be called from my emergency contacts.

I remembered behind raped, I remembered who it was and I wanted to tell him myself. Until I woke up and saw all the texts, the hate in every single one of them. I wanted to die so I tried to kill myself in that hospital. Death wasn't meant to be once again, I failed my attempt. I did something worse. I killed the baby I never knew I was carrying.

I went downhill after that and I was submitted to the psych ward. The moment I got out I went home just to be yelled at, slapped, and thrown out. This is the truth but they won't ever know it. That was the worse month of my life.

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