Butterflies or Snakes?

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(Y/n)'s Pov:

My mom walked into my room screaming at me "Get up! I need you to go check on the Johnsons!" I groaned and held my head

I was in a fight yesterday, I always win my fist fights, but this time I got a little badly scraped.

I got up and into my bathroom, it's been years since I have been back in my own town, I brushed my teeth and did something with my hair

I did my routine, and went over to my dresser.

I put on

A white crop top, baggy cream colored cargo pants, a black flannel, and some tennis shoes.

When I walked out my mom was waiting in the kicthen "Okay now that your finally ready I need you to go to the Johnsons house, and be sure that they are still on for later and if so walk with them to the park. We will meet you there." She exclaimed

"Okay but why can't we just call them?" My mom sighed loudly "You think I haven't already tried that?" She continued cutting her fruit "I would have thought that boarding school would have make you stop with attitude and put you in your place but clearing no it didn't."

I didn't mean to have an attitude I was just curious, maybe I shouldn't have said anything "Here is the address." I grabbed and right as soon as u was about to walk mom yelled "Lose that attitude or else your in for it!" I walked out grabbing my skateboard

I was avoiding a few cracks here and there but their house wasn't far from mine. When I got there I put my skateboard under my arm and nocked

When there was no answer I nocked again and finally a young boy, infant the boy from school who I called his sweater cute. That weird I thought he had glasses before?

And what the fuck happend to his face "Yeah can I help you?" His voice seemed lower then when I met him-ish and his eyes are red

"Oh yeah are you guys the Johnsons?" I questioned, he simply nodded "Okay well my family the (L/n)'s were wondering if your mom and you where still one for the hangout, my mom didn't tell me much-"

An older women stepped beside him "Yes we are still on, just give us a few seconds. Danny will you please show Miss (Y/n) to your room while I get our stuff. I dont want her waiting outside, to many creeps."

She smiled softly and so did I, it was refreshing to get a mom who was a lot kinder

Danny looked shocked though, but he looked at me and gestured for me to come in "Don't mind the mess sweetie, it's normally nicer but we have been very busy the past few days."

I nodded "It looks nice to me, Mrs.Johnson!" She smiled while me and Danny walked up stairs and into his room

"What happened to your face?" I asked bluntly "I got into a fight with a few guys, they ganged up on me." I nodded, I understood the fair share of fights "Yeah I hate it when they gang up. Is that also why you don't have your glasses?"

He nodded, I looked around his room. His bed was in the corner by the window, he had black sheets and comforter, there was a body length mirror, a dresser, a TV, and a computer and desk on the left side of his bed. The poster are what struck my interest, he had Marvel posters, band posters (The Neighborhood, 1975, ACDC, Metallica, Black Sabbeth, Cigarettes After Sex) horror movies, mainly the Stab movies inspired by the Woodsburro killings.

"I like your posters, you like Arctic Monkeys?" I question as he played with his grey sweater "Hmm no never listened." I gasped "You need to listen to A.M right now!" I grab out a C.D I always carried on me and handed it to him, he was a little shocked but took it

"Yeah I'll  listen to it later then."

I smiled "So do you by chance know what we are doing?" I sat in his desk chair "Just something about having lunch, us hanging out while our mom talked. I don't know really."

I nodded "Oh and the sweater that I wore, I got it from a thrift shop. But it barely fits anymore so if you want it you can have it." He shrugged, I tried to to get excited as he grabbed it from his closet

"Thank you!" I smiled and put it on it fit nicely, of course I had to take off my flannel but I liked it "Yeah no problem." He laughed.

Danny's mom walked through the open door "Are you two ready?" We both nodded and walked out "we don't mind walking right? The car isn't fully fixed and I don't want to risk anything." I nodded

"Yeah momma it's fine."

I thought it was kind of cute that Danny was so sweet to his mom, we walked to the mall. Since my mom didn't want to be in the heat for that long, when we got there they said that me and Danny could do whatever we wanted

"So Johnson, whatcha wanna do?" I asked while we walked through, he shrugged "Not the biggest fan of the mall. Also i dont have much money" I nodded "Same, but I do have some money that is stole from the boarding school, so let me sugar mommy you."

He laughed "You stole money?" I nodded "Yeah some kids had a lot of money." I shrugged as we walked into a store, Spencer's to be exact to which we both immediately walked out

"Well I'm traumatized now." He said as we walked out "Yeah I wasn't really hoping to see a plastic vibrating dick." He laughed

"What?! That thing was like 12 inches!" He laughed even harder and soon I decided to laugh "Excuse me, can you and your boyfriend keep it down there are children here." A lady said "Why would your kids know what a plastic dick was? I think you need to teach your kids better."

I grabbed Danny's hand as we ran into Dillard's "I'm starting to think I know why you went to boarding school." I hit his arm "Shut up." He just laughed

He went over to more sweaters "It feels like all you do is wear sweaters." He shrugged "Well miss (L/n), I get into a lot of fights and I don't want people to know."

I laughed "You do know makeup exist right?" He nodded "I don't know how to do it." I smiled

"I will not only he your sugar mommy I will be your make up artist." Danny walked over to a few band t-shirts and horror movie shirts, I walked over to a few guys tank tops and crop tops

"You would probably look really good in a crop top." His face flushed red mainly his ears "W-what?" I tossed some at him "Try them on."

I pushed him into the dressing room, he walked out with the tank top on and I saw a lot of bruises on his arms "They really messed you up uh?" He shrugged "I don't like this." And he walked back inside

I heard sounds of struggle "(Y/n) I can't get this one on." I got a little closer to the door "Which on is it?"

"The crop top." I smiled at the fact that he was at least trying it on "Do you need help?" He sighed and didn't speak for a bit so finally I just opened the door surprised that it wasn't locked

I was met with the shirtless boy, his torso was nicely shaped, but he had a lot of bruises on him. Some of the bruises were red, purple, and green while he also had cuts

"Shit sorry!" He just pulled me into the dressing room and closed the door

"Your fine, I just don't want the whole world to see my body." I nodded and sat down of the little chair they put in there

"Maybe you should see a doctor-" He cut me off "I'm fine." I nodded slowly as I decided to help him put on tank top, it looked good. He had some extra glasses that he grabbed from his bag

"You look very pretty." His face flushed again "T-thanks." After a bit we decided to go shopping for me, he did get two tanks tops and only one of the crop tops but a whole lot of sweaters and band t shirts


Ghostly Obsession (Ghostface X Fem!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz