Late Valentines

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Past (Y/n's) Pov:

Second pov:

Valentines day, you hated it. I mean you liked it, but what your mom did made you hate it every year she did the same thing a dinner with you and your siblings Valentines and there parents

To which you never had one, you played all the guys you dated so not many wanted to be your Valentines and you were okay with that

but your mom would always made fun of you as to what she would like to say when she was angry at you was that you were just unlovable by everyone

Where you great and amazing older siblings were loveable, you never understood why your mom treated you like that but you just got use to it

But not this year, this year you were on a mission to get someone this year but since you were a little late to that almost half the guys were with someone

And the other half where the toxic masculinity guys, the assholes. As you and your best friend Danny would call them

So you had to choose between two things

Being comepletly embarrassed by your mom infront of everyone again, or sneaking put and doing whatever and get grounded

Getting grounded sounded like music to your ears at this point "Whatcha doing?"  Your best friend Danny asked in the Isabella voice from Phineas and Ferb which you were both binge watching since you two loved cartoons

"Figuring out how I'm gonna disappoint my mother."

He laughed and sat next to you on curb of the road "Why is that?" You sighed and explained what happened, he hummed

"Well if you do decide on sneaking out, we can get your drums and my guitar go to a bar and play, or we can spray paint a few trains. I know that stuff makes you happy, and heck after we can even go and shoot at a few bottles of glass!"

You smiled at him and brought him closer to you "Can we even break into a few of the rich houses?" You tried to speak in a little kid voice

He laughed "Are you trying to go back to boarding school?" You shook you head, it was nice that he understood your sence of humor

"Wait what if I just be your Valentines?" You questioned "(Y/n) are you serious?"  His face flushed a little pink "Seriously dude, my parents love you!" He looked at you and smiled before turning his face away

"What do I get in return?" You sigh "We can finally read the Deadpool comics..." you knew you were gonna regret this, he got up excitedly and grabbed you by the waist, spinning you around "Deal!"

You two went to his house, he said his dad wasn't home so he wouldn't make it. You shrugged, you hated his dad

"Hey momma!" She said something to him in Italian and he started talking to her in Italian as well, you had been wanting to learn Italian so you could speak more with Danny and his mom

Danny could speak both English and Italian but he enjoyed Italian more.

His mom turned around and smiled when she saw you "Ah hi sweetheart, I'm so happy you and Danny are each other Valentines!" She hugged you

"It was bound to happen.." She whispered more to herself "Okay momma I'm gonna get ready and (Y/n) is gonna help." He quickly grabbed your hand and ran up the stairs

First person pov:

"Listen, if we are gonna trick your parents might aswell trick mine." I nodded and he grabbed a red sweater and went into his bathroom

After 10 minutes he slowly came out "(Y/n), can you uhm h-help me?" I looked at his even more curly blonde hair and laughed "Need help with that curly haired mess, pretty boy?"

He huffed and nodded like a kid, you walked over "Why don't you just cut it?" He looked down and mumbled something "What?" I asked

"Because my mom likes it!"

His face turned red "I had my dads eyes, so she liked it when i have the same blonde curly hair..."

I smiled and kissed his cheek "I love that your a mommas boy." He looked at me then turned his face away, I noticed the tips of his ears turning even more bright

"Can you just help me?" I laughed and pushed him on the toilet "Well first it would help if you were shorter! How tall even are you?!" He moved to an angle on the toilet

"I'm only 6 foot!" I looked at him crazy "Your sixteen!" He shook his head, I got his hair wet then blowed tried it to make his fluffy and curly just not as bad

I did a half up half down style for him, he looked adorable and especially with the sweater on

His mother had on a baby pink sundress, she was beautiful safe to say

We were on our way to the dinner, cars where already there but I just walked in everyone was about to dish dinner. We sat down and got our food

My mom looked shocked, I did it! I proved her wrong! Yes finally!

My sibling face except for my sister's looked shocked "Oh (Y/n), I didn't know you were bringing Danny, it's supposed to be your boyfriend not best friend." My mom smiled in a cocky way

I smiled back and grabbed Danny hand that was lying on the table

"Well mom, Danny is my boyfriend."

Danny smiled nervously and shifted in the seat "When was this?" My mom asked while my dad looked a little shocked "Last week, we decided to try it out."

Damn I'm such a lair...

My dad nodded "Congratulations?" My dad spoke in his heavy Mexican accent, I nodded and smiled "We continued to eat while Danny and my dad talked, Danny was very good at Spanish so they talked in Spanish often

To which my dad was very grateful of, I talked to my sister and her date

Then everyone left, Danny was allowed to still spend the night so we went to my room "Hey sorry about tonight-" He cut me off

"Don't be it was fun!" He smiled and walked over "I just wish your mom didn't treat you like that, your an amazing daughter."

Those words hit harder then anything...
I smiled while a few teats actually slipped my eyes and I hugged him "Thanks blondie."

Danny knew I wasn't affectionate or liked showing feelings, so he was happy to hug me back and be able to comfort me for once

I was getting some cartoons on while waiting for Danny to come back since he went back to him house to get some stuff, and when he came back he had a rose and some food and a beautiful necklace

It was a rose with a golden stem "Just like Romeo and Juliette, as momma likes to say." I smiled at him and hugged him

"Danny thank you! You didn't have to!" He shrugged "Well get used it, since I'm your first Valentine who has gotten you something." I smiled "Your sister told me."

I giggled and we watched some cartoons  while he cuddled next to me, soon letting sleep welcome us with its darkness



Ghostly Obsession (Ghostface X Fem!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora