You're Dating?!

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(Hello, my darlings, I forgot I had to do these on Sunday's also I'm pretty sure I added Y/n having a bf and so that's where this story is gonna go)

(No one's POV:)

(Second person)

How could you forget, your forgot. The guilt settled in as you sit on your couch talking to your boyfriend, you never talked. You two practically weren't even together, and yet you still felt guilty for kissing someone else. You never liked the idea of anyone cheating

You didn't even know that Ghostface was waiting outside of your apartment on the stairs. He was pissed, absolutely enraged as he looked at you through the window, you had a sad and guilt written look on your face. You were so guilty yet Ghostface knew that your boyfriend had been cheating on you. Your boyfriend was coming back from a trip, and he wasn't even gonna let him get close to coming home to be in your embrace again.

Ghostface stands up before he walks down the stairs before he gets into his car. His fingers grip the steering wheel, hard. He takes of the mask before screaming in anger "Fuck, fuck, fuck! I didn't want to have to murder someone today! I just want to be with her!" He yells out of anger

He puts back on the mask, seeing only red now. He was able to get the location of your boyfriends before he drives to the location.

You didn't even know what was happening, you were just watching your TV as you had just hung up with your boyfriend. He was still out of town, he wouldn't be home for another few weeks.

You would probably have to end whatever you had going on with Jed when you didn't want to. You didn't even love your boyfriend anymore, but it would seem wrong to break up with him and get with someone else almost immediately, he would basically know then

You take a deep breath before standing up. You quickly grab your glass and throw it at a wall while screaming "Fuck! I want to be with him!" (Dw I wasn't getting lazy but I wanted Ghostface and (Y/n) to have the same reaction when they realize they wouldn't be together unless they did something)


(Ghostface POV:)

He was seething in rage. He wasn't expecting himself to get so angry, then again it was the Ghostface who was driving off of blood and Danny who was pissed off while Jed was jealous (Danny has personality Disorder remeber lol)

Ghostface arrives at the hotel, rain was pouring down. He held his hunting knife in his hand like he was going to hunt some animals. He smirks under the mask as he stands by his car, staring at the hotel room that (Y/n)'s boyfriend was staying in. Her boyfriend was fucking some other woman.

Ghostface calls them, and her boyfriend picks up. Ghostface rolls his eyes as he hears the thrusting and moaning. "What's your favorite scary movie?" Ghostface asks, silence fills the other line before her boyfriend laughs

"Nice prank, dude. Y'know that's real sick to do while there is a murderer." Her boyfriend says. Ghostface begin to walk up to the hotel room, avoiding security cameras

"What's your favorite scary movie? Answer me or else I'll gut you like the fucking pig you are. Don't you know it's wrong to cheat? Especially on that amazing and goddess like of a woman you are dating." Ghostface asks

"And how would you know that I'm cheating?" Her boyfriend questions. Ghostface sneers "Because, I can see you, dumbass." The silence fills the phone again before Ghostface hears a nervous laugh

"Yeah right, and how do you know I have a girlfriend? How do you know anything about her?" Her boyfriend questions as Ghostface hears his belt buckling

"Oh, because I have been the one she kisses and holds. Fuck do her lips taste sweet, and fuck do I miss the feel of her lace underwear on my fingers about now. Oh well, I'll get to touch them after I'm done murdering you."

Ghostface says before he rams into the window of the hotel. Her boyfriend and the woman he was sleeping with begin to scream and try to run away. Ghostface quickly grabs the woman and slits her throat. He wouldn't let there be any witnesses. Ghostface gets hit over the head with a lamp though by her boyfriend, but before he could get hit again

He quickly grabs the lamp and rips off the lampshade before smashing the glass bulb into her boyfriends eye, screams fill Ghostfaces ears. "Maybe that will stop you from starring at another woman."

Ghostface says before grabs her boyfriend by the jaw, causing his tongue to stick out before he cuts it off "That will stop you from kissing another woman."

The man begins to try and kick Ghostface but fails. Ghostface grabs his hands and begins to slice off his fingers, the blood was all over his mask and his clothes while the man was barely hanging on for dear life

"That will stop you from touching another woman, and this-" Ghostface reaches down and unbuckles the man's belt and moving his pants just enough to grab the man's dick "Will stop you from fucking another woman." Ghostface says before he cuts off the man's dick in one clean shot, before shoving it in the man's throat

Ghostface grabs his camera and takes a few pictures before stabbing the man repeatedly in the man's chest. Blood spilled out of the man, well now (Y/n)'s ex.

Ghostface stands up, he was suprised no one was coming out to check on the people yet. He shrugs "How did (Y/n) even fuck with that? It's not like his shit is big enough to give her the pleasure she deserves."

Ghostface shake his head before he walks out of the hotel room, of course after throwing the woman down from the building to ensure she was dead.

Ghostface walks to a random room that was empty and sneaks in so he could take a shower. He takes off his mask before stripping off his coat, then his shirt, then his pants. He takes off his gloves before he walks to the shower. He turns on the hot water before he takes off his boxers and stands infront of the mirror

Danny notices his scars before groaning "Damn, Ghosty we made a mess..." he whispers before getting inside of the shower. He could only think of (Y/n) he would happily make messes just for her, again and again. He cleans himself off before walking out and grabbing a new pair of clothes from his bag, he puts on a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants before walking out with his other clothes, he made sure to leave the mask there but otherwise he had everything he needed, he made sure of it

He walks to his car before getting inside and driving off back to his apartment. Or to hers.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


-Love Dealthy Momma

Ghostly Obsession (Ghostface X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now