chapter 20

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Victor's POV

As Isabella suddenly stood up from the table, everyone's eyes turned towards her. I noticed the tension in the air, as the atmosphere had been awkward and silent like we were fighting a war in silence. But it was good this way after my panic attack today because of Leonardo's words; I didn't have the energy to handle them.

"Yes?" I asked, curious about her sudden move.

Isabella raised her eyebrows at me, as though asking me what I was doing.

"What are you doing?" Maximo questioned, surprising us all, as he had ignored her existence after their fight.

"I am going to pick up my friend from the airport," she answered with a stone-cold face.

"I will come with you," Romeo said, standing up.

"No need," Isabella replied calmly.

"I wasn't asking," Romeo said, with a tight-lipped smile.

"And I don't need your permission," she said, without any emotion.

"I will come," Romeo repeated.

"You will not," Isabella said firmly.

"I will come," Romeo persisted.

"You will not," Isabella repeated.

"I will come," Romeo said again.

"Enough," I interjected, fed up with their silly bickering.

"How will you find your way?" I asked Isabella, curious about her plan.

"Google Maps," she replied in a firm tone.

"They can't always be trusted," Giovanni chimed in.

"I travelled from the airport to here, I assure you that my memory is excellent," Isabella said in an irritated tone.

"Send our driver with her," Leonardo finally said, putting an end to the argument.

"You could have said that earlier, Leo," I said, smiling.

"I would have if they stopped arguing for a second," he replied with a chuckle.

"I take it you will bring him here?" I asked Isabella.

"Do I look that stupid to you? He has friends here; he will stay there," Isabella said, dismissing the idea.

"You should bring him here; we want to know your friends," Giovanni said, hoping to learn more about Isabella's past.

"So you can create more problems? No thank you," she said, and then left the room.

As I looked at my brothers' faces, I couldn't help but feel like Isabella was keeping something from us. Her past was a mystery, and I couldn't help but wonder if her friend might pose a threat to our family.

As I walked back to my room, I couldn't help but feel relieved that Isabella had left. The tension at the dinner table had been unbearable, and I was grateful for the sudden interruption that had allowed everyone to go their separate ways.

But even as I tried to shake off the awkwardness of the situation, I couldn't help but feel a sense of concern for Isabella. She had been through a lot, and despite her tough exterior, I knew that she was struggling with her own demons.

As I started to pack my bags, I couldn't help but wonder what Isabella's friend was like. I knew that she had a complicated past, and I couldn't help but feel like her friend might have some answers to the questions that were plaguing us all.

But even as I tried to rationalize my curiosity, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about the situation. Isabella had been guarded about her past, and I couldn't help but wonder if her friend might pose a threat to our family.

As I finished packing my bags, I made a mental note to keep a close eye on Isabella and her friend. the cosa nostra was a dangerous world, and I couldn't afford to let my guard down, especially with someone as unpredictable as Isabella in the mix.

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