Chapter 49

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only 10-15 chapters more for this book to end. 🥺🥺

Third person POV:(In Russia)

Amid the shadowy ambience of Ivan Pavlov's remote Russian hideout, a tense exchange unfolded. Ivan one of the heads of the criminal empires, held a meeting with his loyal men, who whispered their concerns with hushed breaths.

"Nervous whispers about the boy's role in the plan filled the room. Ivan bore down on his underlings, his voice a low, ominous growl. 'Wise? Perhaps not. But it's necessary. Our enemies underestimate us; they believe us to be weak,' he stated, his eyes glinting with sinister intent.

Unease continued to ripple through the assembly. 'But sir, isn't using the boy a breach of the old codes?' one man questioned with a furrowed brow.

"You speak of ancient codes, traditions handed down through generations," Ivan mused, his voice low and laced with an eerie calmness. "But you see, times have changed. Our enemies believe us to be bound by these archaic rules, and they've grown bold."

The men exchanged uneasy glances as Ivan's words hung in the air. They were all too aware of the shifting tides, the treacherous currents of a world where power was the only currency that mattered.

"But, sir," another man pressed, his brow furrowed with doubt, "won't our brethren view this as a betrayal? A breach of trust?"

Ivan's lips curled into a sinister smile. He had anticipated their concerns, and he was prepared to shatter the old paradigms. "Betrayal, perhaps," he conceded, his voice oozing with malevolence. "But sometimes, to emerge victorious in a war, one must forsake tradition. The old codes won't win this battle; they are the chains that shackle us."Curiosity mingled with fear as they pressed for details.

'What's the plan, then don?' another man ventured cautiously.

Leaning in closer, Ivan revealed his dark intentions. 'We'll deliver a message they can't ignore. Edward, the youngest of their family, will be our bait,' he announced, his voice dripping with intrigue.

As the implications of Ivan's plan sank in, the men couldn't help but shudder. 'And what message is that boss?' one asked hesitantly.

Ivan's lips curled into a wicked smile. 'That we're willing to break their sacred rules. That we'll stop at nothing to destroy them. And that even the innocent are not safe,' he declared coldly.

Fear gripped the men as the weight of their leader's intentions settled upon them. 'But sir, they won't take this lightly,' one of them stammered.

Ivan's response was chillingly composed. 'Let them come. We'll be ready. We'll unleash chaos upon their world, and they won't see it coming,' he declared, his voice resonating with deadly resolve."

"Boss, about the boy... Is it really necessary to involve him in this?" a hesitating man questioned

Ivan replied His voice icy"Necessary? No, but it's a stroke of genius. The Cosa Nostra will never see it coming."

"But, sir, the boy... he's just a child."

Ivan leaned forward, his gaze piercing through the dimly lit room. "And that is precisely why he is the key to their downfall."

"What should we do then?" a man asked in fear

"Get the men ready. Time for Edward's stay in America to take a surprising turn. Ivan scowled before shooting the woman on the floor and watching her blood spatter.

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