Chapter 43

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before you all wonder why the dog's pic. no reason I just found it way too adorable. I am finally going to write in Isabella's pov I missed her a lot.

Isabella's POV:

I heard the news of Antonio getting hurt, my mind was in a state of disbelief. How could this happen? He was one of the most powerful and respected members of the Cosa Nostra. The thought of him being injured in an accident was undoubtedly suspicious and shocking. 

 Sandy had told me about Sylvie being ordered by Victor and Daniel to gather information on the Russians and Felix. These illegal activities were a part of my life, but I couldn't help feeling detached from them lately. My mind was preoccupied with spending time with my "brothers," even though they were only so in name.

Despite my reluctance to get emotionally attached to them, I couldn't deny the feeling of sadness that overwhelmed me at the thought of Antonio's injury. Something was wrong with me. Perhaps it was because, after meeting them, I realized that I had missed out on so much. Arguments, playtime, and being a child were all foreign to me. I couldn't help but wonder what my life would have been like if my mother hadn't kidnapped me from my family. The hatred I felt for her was indescribable. She didn't deserve to be called a mother.

As I snapped out of my thoughts, Giovanni's voice brought me back to reality. He stopped the car, and I realized that we had arrived at our destination.

"we are here let us collect clothes for Antonio and then return. also, let's take Edward with us he was with victors secretary and his family." I eagerly nodded in agreement, wanting to see Edward, the one brother I had grown to love. He was too young and adorable for me not to care for him.

As I entered Antonio's room, the dark aura that emanated from his room was just like Victor and Daniels's dark lack it gave off a completely negative aura. As I walked towards the wardrobe, the sound of my footsteps echoed through the room, amplifying the eerie silence that filled the air. It was as if the room was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen. I opened his wardrobe which had only black and blue coats and suits no casual wear so I silently took one of the coats and carefully folded it, trying not to disturb the that seemed to inhabit the room. As I reached for the coat, I heard the sound off against the fabric which felt very creepy. I hated it as I couldn't carry any weapon with me in this damn house.

But as I turned to leave, my eyes were drawn to a photo frame on the wall. It was an old frame, with intricate carvings and a faded gold finish. The photo inside was taken when I was just a toddler. I heard my heart thudding in my chest. The sound seemed to fill the room, drowning out everything else. 

In the picture,  my poor excuse of a mother stood next to a young man with the same eye and hair colour as me. He had his arm casually thrown across my mother's shoulder and was gazing at me lovingly, just like everyone else in the photo. It was undoubtedly my late father. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I held them back. I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing and sadness. I quickly took a photo of the picture before collecting the clothes and heading downstairs. 

As I approached, I saw that he was waiting with a man and woman, who I recognized as Salvestro, Victor's right-hand man and one of the higher members of the, along with his wife. They had Edward with them, and the moment he saw me, he ran towards me and jumped into my arms, causing me to chuckle I felt his tiny hands wrap around my neck as he hugged me tightly.

"Bella, he is Victor's junior and friend, Salvestro. You will meet him many times in the future," Giovanni said cryptically, I acknowledged their presence before turning my attention to Edward, who was still in my arms, smiling widely. He looked up at me with his big, innocent eyes, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth in my heart.

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