Chapter 26 - Illuminating Threat Above...

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Quick Recap on: A New Age of Warfare

With the approaching paratrooper companies getting ever closer to their designated dropzones, the 1st and 2nd Paratrooper Companies, are finishing their preparations for the capture of the town.

By also having the advantage of attacking at night, Quan soldiers would be tired at this time, which would be easy pickings for the paratroopers...

It's only a matter of time before they fall...


Talking: "Hello how are you? I'm under the water... please help me"

Shouting (All CAPS!): "BRUHHHHHHH!!!"

Whispering: "I'm in danger :D"

Telepathy: 'i have come bearing gifts

Thoughts: "it is what it is"

Background/Action: *Sheeeeeeeeeeesh*

Radio: ≈Thot spotted! Over≈


Town Illragon, situated near the border between the Quan Dynasty and the Grizalan Kingdom. A peaceful town with a rough backstory.

The town was rather unique compared to the other towns in the Dynasty, rather than having one settlement in the area, it had two settlements while acting as one unit. The town also has multiple large plots of farmland to feed its populace.

The town, as usual, is peaceful and calm, people doing their usual daily business like working or hanging out with friends, but for this occasion, that calm vibe they've felt in a long time was suddenly gone when the people heard that they were getting into a war with their neighboring nation, the Grizalan Kingdom.

The town was used as a frontline supply base since they had grain and meat in the area thanks to the farmlands, now the people in power have seized these resources and distributed them to the soldiers, much to the peasants' displeasure. The townsfolk quickly became outraged by the stealing of resources but were silenced when they were threatened with death if they decided to intervene or cause any more trouble.

Word has been going around saying that soldiers have taken some of the houses and kicked out the residents that inhabit the houses. No one could do anything but watch because they have no power in this situation, a single thought of opposition would be met with force. Fortunately for the people that were vacated, kind souls in the area let them stay inside their own homes once the soldiers leave to go to the frontlines.

While the soldiers made themselves comfortable, many have used their position in the military to start abusing the local populace, taking their food, stealing their items, mostly money, and above all else, taking the women. They took defenseless women as their plaything, only for the women to be thrown away when they're deemed useless. Much to the horror and anger of the populace.

All had to endure these horrible acts since the soldiers came, no one was safe, and taking a beating from the soldiers is now a regular basis as they know retaliating would result in death.

But then, a call for reinforcements came and soldiers started moving out towards the fort that the Quan Army captured on Grizalan territory. The call didn't specify why they need extra manpower considering they have an army-sized force stationed at the fort, but since they requested more manpower and there was no reason to deny the request, they complied.

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