13. PULP

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After that weird moment at T's house I made sure to avoid him like the plague. I didn't visit his house anymore and whenever Mr. Hammock had us team up in the one class we shared I made sure to hold on to my pal, Dave for dear life. Of course I still watched him. He stood out to me and not just because of his idiotic fashion choices.

He always sat at the back of the class near the window and I sat on the opposite side. He didn't bother talking to me either so that made it clear where we stood. I mean, seriously. Why did I always have to be the one initiating things? Sure, I called him a fag all the time and mocked everything he loved but.. hadn't he ever heard of a joke?

"Are you planning to kill him or something?" Dave asked.

"What?" I looked away from Timothy.

"I mean, we could always wait till school's out, teach him a little lesson." Dave snickered.

I smirked and averted my gaze.

"He'd make a great pretzel, don't you guys think?" Dave asked.

"Yeah. And since he likes make-up so much I think a little red might help brighten him up a bit." Karl laughed.

"Yeah, and a little blue on his bony arms." Taylor joined in.

My friends were all laughing and thinking of ways to hurt him. I glanced at him again. The thought alone hurt me.

"He already cuts himself so I'm sure he'd just thank us for the help." Dave laughed.

"I can bring a knife, we could give him a haircut-"

"Alright, enough." I snapped.

The guys were all shocked silent.

"Dude.. are you gay for him?" Dave said, causing all of them to burst out laughing.

"Shut the fuck up!" I pushed Dave so hard he fell off his chair. The whole class stared at us.

"Quiet down, boys. Work on your assignments." Mr. Hammock said.

"Nobody hates that fag more than I do, alright?" I whispered. Seriously. Although now the way he made me feel made me hate him more than anything.

"So what are you gonna do about it?" Dave smirked, getting back on his chair.

"Obviously we can't beat him up. We'll get in trouble." I said.

"Or we just make sure he keeps his mouth shut." Taylor grinned.

"Can't speak when you're dead, right?" Dave said.

All my friends laughed. I pretended to find humor in that sentence even though for me there was only agony.

"Look, I don't have time to care about that dweeb. Homework, remember?" I turned away and pretended to read.

"Sure." Dave said. "Homo." He whispered.

I shoved him again but this time he pushed me right back and that guy... was a gorilla.

I slammed into the wall beside me.

"Alright, that is enough. Both of you, to the principal's office." The teacher ordered

"Please, Mr Hammock, we were just joking around." I said.

"Yeah, we were play-fighting." Dave chimed in.

"You were disrupting the class. Again."

"We'll be quiet from now on. Promise." Dave said.

The teacher sighed and continued reading.

I made sure to actually pay attention to this stupid homework. It was hard. All I could think about was how all the guys would think I was gay for not wanting to target Timothy.

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