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Timothy slowly opened his eyes as the sirens drew closer.

"Hey!" I said, tears in my eyes. "You're okay! You're gonna be fine!"

Timothy frowned. His eyes darted all over the place. He tried to sit up.

"No, don't!" I held him down. "Just wait a moment longer. You're gonna be okay."

He blinked a few times in confusion and closed his eyes again.

They just finished doing some tests. The doctor said he has broken ribs and a TBI, a concussion basically.

I can't believe they did this to him. I'm gonna kill them. I'm not gonna let them get away with this.

I knew they didn't like him. Maybe even genuinely hated him but to go this far.. In my eyes this was attempted murder. He could've died there all alone in the snow if I hadn't shown up.

..And if I hadn't said those things to him this wouldn't have happened at all. We would've gone home together and he would've been safe.

This was my fault too.

I'm right after Joe going into T's hospital room. Timothy was on bed rest. They want to keep him there for at least a week to observe him but they said his ribs could heal on their own at home. They said he was going to be confused for a while and that he may have memory problems. But that it wasn't supposed to be severe.

Not severe? They gave him a concussion. They broke his ribs, how is that not severe?

Dahlia went back home to get some of Timothy's things. I told Joe that three guys from school had done this. He wants to press charges. That's the least. If it was up to me.. They'd be joining Timothy in the hospital real soon.

Timothy looked a little tired but other than that he looked normal. You'd never know how hurt he was by looking at him.

"Hey, kid." Joe said, stroking Timothy's hair. "Did the doctor tell you? There was an accident. But you're all okay now." He said gently.

"You're gonna be fine."

T looked around the room. His eyes lingered on me for a moment. Then he looked at his dad again.

"Where's Charlie?" T asked.

My heart sank down to my feet. Why the hell would he want to see Charlie?

"Huh? Charlie? Timmy, Charlie isn't here.."

Timothy frowned confused as if Charlie wasn't supposed to be on the other side of the world right now.

"Why not?" He asked.

What the fuck was going on?!

Joe gave me a confused look. He looked just as worried and shocked as me.

"What?" I mumbled.

The door opened with a loud bang and like a whirlwind Charlie burst into the room. He looked devastated and worried.

"Oh God, you're okay!" He ran up to T's bed, throwing his motorcycle helmet aside. He wrapped his arms around Timothy. "I'm so sorry I left." He began to cry. "I missed you so much! I'm sorry!"

Timothy looked confused for a moment but relieved.

"It's okay.." He stroked Charlie's messy hair.

"I'm never leaving again. I promise." Charlie kissed Timothy on the lips. Like they were his to kiss.

Anger coursed through my veins and I stepped forward to yank him away. How did he think he could just burst in here and take him back like that?!

Joe stopped me. "Not now." He said softly, staring at Timothy with concern in his eyes.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now