53. EMO

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It was Friday at last. T was packed and ready waiting by the door. Thankfully Joe had already gone to work so we could skip school without much trouble. I'd done a perfect imitation of T's dad on the phone with the principal.

I grabbed his hand and we went out into the cold. The streets were slippery and quiet.

"Jesus, it's just getting colder and colder." I pulled T's hat further over his ears. "Come on."

T blasted emo shit the whole car ride but I didn't mind. He was smiling and singing along and it just made me happy.

Finally a song came on that I knew from much indoctrination from T.


T smiled at me and we sang together from the top of our lungs. "THINGS ARE BETTER IF I STAY!"

Twenty minutes later we made it to the swimming pool and luckily the parking lot was mostly empty. We rushed on inside and after paying we headed to the changing rooms.

T and I were about to step into a changing stall together when a woman from the pool stopped us.

"No! Ah, ah ah! I'm not doing this again!" She snared.

"What?" I laughed.

"There are separate cubicles for a reason. I don't want another teen pregnancy on my hands."

"We're both guys!" I laughed.

"So you say." She nodded, squinting her eyes at Timothy.

Timothy laughed. "Whatever, it's fine." He said before disappearing into a separate stall. I went into mine.

"That's what I thought." The woman said.

T and I laughed simultaneously.

Normally I would've picked a fight with this woman but now I could only laugh.

I changed into navy blue swim trunks.

"You have to tell me if it looks good, okay? I brought two other options." Timothy said.

"What?" I laughed. "Why wouldn't it look good? It's just swim trunks."

"You never know." T said dead serious.

I shook my head.

I was done before T so I waited by the lockers.

After another five minutes T came  out in black swim trunks with hot pink details.

I shook my head.

"What? Does it look bad?"

No, as a matter of fact he looked great. As always.

But still. You gotta take what you can get.

I shrugged. "Turn around?"

T sighed but did it without complaint.

I couldn't speak for a moment.

"Is it that bad?" T turned around again.

I was ready to cry.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Timothy grabbed my arm.

"Does it hurt? Why didn't you tell me?"

I touched Timothy's bruised skin.

"What are you talking about?" T asked.

I dragged him toward the mirror.

His whole back was bruised. It looked extremely painful.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now