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I'd missed a few days of school. I hadn't been ready to go back yet. Everyone was blowing up my phone, everyone other than Dave, Taylor and Nick. They were smart to leave me alone cause if they called it might set me off.

Joe had already talked to the school and the police and stuff. I told them my side too. Everyone's waiting for T to remember though. Until then I'm not sure what's gonna happen. One thing's for sure. If I see any of them in school today I'm not gonna be able to control myself.

I let this happen to him. If I had just stepped in earlier Timothy would be okay now. I feel so damn guilty. I know Charlie was right somewhere. I didn't physically do this to Timothy but if I'd had more balls this could've been prevented.

I slammed my car door and made my way into the school.

The halls were covered in anti bullying posters. There was atmosphere in the school.

I walked by T's locker and there were cards and flowers on the floor. And a group of girls crying in front of it.

"The fuck is this?" I snapped.

"Oh Josh!" Claire cried, flinging her arms around my shoulders. "I can't believe this happened!"

"I hope Dave and those other guys die in prison." Ashley said through tears.

"Why is it always the innocent people that die?" Another girl cried.

I pushed Claire off of me.

"What the fuck are you guys talking about? He's not dead!"


"Timothy's in the hospital but he's not fucking dead!"

"But everyone's saying-"

"They're full of shit!"

"Oh." Most of them stopped crying and began wiping their cheeks.

I looked down at the flowers and post cards. Luckily T was alive but if I'd been just a little later he could've really died.

Claire stroked my arm. "You guys are friends, aren't you?"

I nodded. Now the girls were suddenly consoling me.

I pulled away. "Where's Taylor? And Nick..."

"You didn't hear? All three got expelled. One of them confessed to everything." Claire shrugged.



Of course. Dave would never. I was sure his rich parents were already getting him all lawyered up. Sure, his parents gave a fuck less about him but having a son in prison wasn't exactly a good look. If he didn't go to jail I wouldn't know what to do.

I banged my hand against the locker. "Cowards!"

I went to class, stepping right on top of Timothy's flowers.

I was surprised by how many people cared. Even those who I thought were indifferent to him seemed upset this had happened. Allie wasn't in school today. She wanted to be in the hospital with Tim and Charlie.

I made my way to the cafeteria and bumped into Jen. Her apple fell off her lunch tray. I caught it in my hands.

She looked sort of embarrassed for a moment but then she forced a smile. "Josh,"

"We really shouldn't be talking." I said, putting the apple back on her tray. I tried to move past her. She held me back.

"Are you really gonna ignore me?" Jen put her lunch on one of the tables next to her.

[BoyxBoy] ✓ I Fell In Love With An Emo BoyWhere stories live. Discover now