Messed up world

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We all make wrong decisions

And want to change everyone

But when it comes to our belief

We close our eyes and run

People will always be cruel

They will make the wrong choice

It is a messed up world

Fools will always suppress the right voice

We expect everything to be fine

But that is never possible

Bad things will always be there

Trying to eradicate it is impossible

We want to change others

But don't want to change us

First be the change and set an example

Then the right things will be discussed

Sometimes it's right to let go

Accept people make stupid decisions

It gives immense peace after knowing

That you have at least changed your conditions

Life is unfair 

It will always stay that way

Changing everything is impossible

Someone will do the wrong thing everyday

The world is messed up, it can't be changed 

Do what you can in your own way

Never expect everyone to be good and wise

Because that's how the world works everyday

Pieces of life (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now