I have to live

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Seconds feels like hours

My heart aches and cries

I fail to feel normal

After so many tries

Don't know how will I survive

Trying to find ways to live

Failing again and again everytime

I know it's hard to believe

Despite all the poison in my mind

Hoping and dreaming gives me some relief

I stand and look at the unforgiving mirror

Saying again and again that I have to live

What's the point of all the wisdom

If I can't handle when my heart breaks

All teachings seem useless and meaningless

Still I say I have to do whatever it takes

Let's see how long I can live

Life has become a challenge

Everyday feels like a prison

I don't know how will I manage

I hope one day sun will rise in life

Shining the bright light I need

I hope the darkness will be vanquished

So that i can jump like a happy kid

Pieces of life (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now