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It's one of the things

That gives our life meaning

Without a loving and caring family

We will spend our life weeping

The ones who choose not to procreate

Think they will always be happy and fulfilled

If their parents would have done the same

They wouldn't have been born skilled

Family is life, it's beautiful

It's the most important thing

The ones who don't value it

Don't know about the happiness it can bring

There are good sides and bad sides

But the bad side of it is worth it

It is a way of life to experience

As a loving family never quit

It is a support system 

Which we always need

It is a machine of love and care

That doesn't let you bleed

Because of families there are civilizations

The humanity exists on this earth

Not finding or creating a family

Is a waste of life without a heart

Selfish desires are temporary

But family is always permanent

Family's love gives you immense power

You feel like you won some tournament

Pieces of life (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now