Mind in eternal darkness

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My eyes are open in the dark

Trying to find comfort and peace

But destiny had other plans

To kill my soul is its masterpiece

Sadness is like an immortal monster

That doesn't die or end with time

The kind of punishments i endure

I feel like i did some unforgiven crime

People say there is day after night

But my eternal darkness never ends

It feels like there is nothing left

Loneliness and suffering are my only friends

Some say its a phase that will be over

But I barely see any hope of better days

Darkness keeps on enveloping me with time

I don't know if I will ever find any ways

Hope is the only thing

That is keeping me alive

Even though there is less chance

I dream that happy days will arrive

Pieces of life (Poetry)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang