Part 25

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Without thinking, I leave Colby's room and walk downstairs. 

"M," I heard Colby yell. "Wait." 

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs for him. 

"Where is he?" I asked Sam quietly. 

"I told him he could wait outside," Sam said. "But you should go to Corey's room with the girls." 

"No," I responded. "This is my problem." 

"But I don't want you to get hurt," Colby said as he grabbed my hand. 

"Just don't leave my side," I told Colby, practically begging him. "Please." 

I went to the front door and took a deep breath before I opened the door. The disgusting man that has caused me so much pain and trauma was standing in front of me. I could smell the stench of cologne, alcohol, and sweat that he always smelled like. His clothes looked dirty and he looked like he hadn't showered in fifteen years. 

"Mal," He said with a disgusting smile on his face. "How are you?" 

"Fine," I replied hesitantly. "Did you need something?"  

"I'm good, thanks for asking," He replied with a smug look on his face. 

"What do you need?" I asked a little more harsh. 

"Damn, You've gotten feisty," Mike commented. 

I went to close the door, but Mike put his foot in front of it and pushed it back with his hand. Colby took a step closer to me and I held his hand tighter. 

"Listen," He said. "I didn't mean to interrupt anything Mal, but I just wanted to check in on you. In person, not over the phone anymore. You should be happy to see me. I toughened you up a little." 

"Why would I be glad to see someone who never cared about me?" I asked him. 

"But I did care," Mike told me. "Why do you think I would've kept you safe in my house for all those months after our breakup? I was trying to protect you." 

"You were trying to protect me by hurting me?" I asked, surprise in my voice. "No. That's not what you did. You ruined my whole life. You've traumatized me." 

"How's you and boy toy here?" Mike asked, changing the subject completely. "Is he tired of you yet? Ready to give you up?" 

"Never," Colby replied. 

"Shocking," Mike replied. 

"The fuck is that supposed the mean?" Colby asked, pushing me behind him slightly towards Sam. 

"I just mean that she has a bitchy attitude sometimes and she doesn't know what she needs to appreciate," Mike told Colby, making my blood boil and tears form. "She needs to learn her lesson." 

"First of all," Colby started. "You have no right to say any of that about her. You've treated her terribly. Second of all, maybe you need to learn a lesson. You're the one who thinks it's okay to lock someone in your house and torture them until there near death." 

"Didn't your hear me earlier?" Mike asked Colby. "I did it because I wanted to keep her safe." 

"You don't do that by trying to kill her," Sam exclaimed, butting into the conversation. 

"Oh my god," Mike gasped. "There's two of them Mal? Really? I didn't know you were such a little whore!" 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Colby asked as he took a step closer to Mike. 

"Colby," I warned taking a step closer to him, taking hold of his hand. 

"Malory's right Colby," Mike said. "You should stop before you do something drastic. It won't look good for your image." 

Before anyone could say anything else, Colby punched Mike square in the face. I stood there in shock. I was happy Mike got a bit of pain, but I was more worried about Colby. 

"You son of a bitch," Mike said as he was about to hit Colby before I stepped in front of him, Mike punching me in the lip. 

I fell back into Colby and touched my lip, feeling blood on my fingers. 

"Mike," I said calmly, trying to hold back tears. "You have five seconds  to get off the property before I call the cops." 

"You're too scared," He scoffed. 

"Five," I started to count down, feed up with his shit. "Four. Three. Tw-" 

"Fine," Mike interrupted. "I'm gone. I'm leaving. But I'll be back."  

We watched Mike walk back to his car and drive off before we closed the front door. I turned to Colby and gave him a hug.

"Thank you," I whispered. 

"I'll go get everyone else," Sam told us as we stood there hugging.      

I pulled back from Colby and saw I got some blood on the back of his shirt. 

"You have some blood on your shirt," I said. 

"Yeah," Colby said. "Well, you have some on your lip." 

I giggled as we heard footsteps coming downstairs. 

"Oh my god," I heard Kat say when she saw me and my busted lip.

She ran over to me and tackled me in a hug, closely followed by Devyn. 

"Trust me," I said. "This isn't the worst of anything he's done to me." 

"Are you okay?" Devyn asked softly, still hugging me.  

"Yes," I replied. "As of right now." 

"What do you mean?" Kat asked as her and Devyn let me go and went back to their boyfriends. 

"We told him to leave and he said he would," I explained. "But he would be back. And he always sticks to his word." 

"Don't worry about that right now, M," Colby said as he came up and gave me a hug. "Right now, we need to clean up your lip." 

"Okay," I said softly as Colby took my hand and lead me to his bathroom. 

Once we got there, Colby told me to hop on the counter and he got a first aid kit out of the cabinet under the sink. He helped me clean up my lip, and we just stayed where we were for a second. 

"You look beautiful even with a busted lip," Colby told me. 

"Thank you," I said blushing slightly. 

"I mean it," Colby reassured. 

A second later, I felt Colby's lips on mine.      

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