chap 1- Birthing ifeoluwa

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Omolara Adesina pov

Since I have been little life hasn't been easy, the best thing is just to remain a toddler and never grow up because as interesting as adulthood is it comes with a lot of challenges one of which as the first child of my mother I had to cater for my junior ones and also I have  two kids.

I was 21years when I had my first child well I taught I found love at the early stage of life but it turns out to be that men are scum, sorry I didn't mean all them but of cause I did fall in love again and had my second child but shall we still say men are scum?

Smiles well ever since my last relationship I have decided to be dedicated to my work and give my two sons Olajide and Ayodeji the best I can give to them.

I am a hairdresser not just a hairdresser but I make hair for queens and elite I am very much popular as to even a child knows Aunty Lara the hairdresser.
I have so many apprentice not to brag but people respect me a lot and I equally do the same I really do not have friends as my customers are my friends  I am in my late 30's yet I look beautiful like a sixteen year old teenager.  Light skin complexion, brown eyes, oblong face and my pointed nose am a little chubby definitely not fat and am about 5'2 inches short I have a small cat eyes and small lips.

Aunty Lara good afternoon I want to braid my hair my husband is coming back from the state, said one of my customers as she snapped me out of my taught. Oh yes ma  Good afternoon how are you it's been long I saw you hope all is well I greeted. Yes am good it's just that have been busy with work and my husband hasn't been around for a while now but the good news is that he is coming home in two days time and I want you to make me look good she said. Oh it would be my pleasure ma'am I said with a smile, Nuraat!! Tope!! I yelled out the names of my best apprentice to start her hair for her as there are still other costumers to attend to.

It was around the evening time and was rounding up with work I must really say we are closing early today because on a normal busy day we do close around 10 to 11pm but it is just 8:30pm trying to get the account of today's sales, I heard a deep masculine voice outside talking to one of my apprentice, raising my head to check who it was, do I even need to? Sigh!!

His handsome self made his way to where I am sitted. he is tall about 6 feet tall and has these handsome features I feel my words couldn't express, a beautiful smile on his plump lips as he made his way towards me makes my heart skipped. In as much as I don't like this feeling I can't deny it either if men are scum it doesn't make all of them Ademola is actually a nice and very funny person he works in the state's media broadcasting corporation and he is quite popular too he isn't as rich as "rich" yeah but he had a nice car and also a suitable apartment and I must confess he is the ladies guy type which is also part of the reasons am scared any woman would do anything to have him wrapped around Thier fingers but definitely not me 🙄 duh.

His deep voice sending out of my taught as I smiled back at him 'good evening Princess'. Hey good evening how are you and work today?
Yh am good and work was fine except that  someone refused to leave my head today so I decided to drop by.
I could feel heat rushed up  my cheeks as I was smiling from ear to ear . Will you stop with all these your cheesy words . Smiles it's not cheesy I was only saying the obvious well that as side are you free tonight I need to talk to you He asked . Hmm well yeah am free  what's up.

Ademola's pov

When a man is in love he goes at any length to chase the woman he wants that is exactly what am doing right now, ever since my divorce with my ex-wife which happened due to some family issues. When I met her I was a Muslim of course I came from a Muslim background and was named Taajudeen  I remembered coming back from a trip from the states then and I had to attend a friend's party I met her there and I felt whole we became friends and things took off from there, her parents where again our relationship because am a Muslim and she is a Christian well love is stronger and we won we got married but things weren't the Sam again in terms of finance and all and believe me for a Yoruba parent to tell you "didn't I tell you speech"  well we managed to have a baby girl and Eniitan was our bundle of joy things got more worse in the middle of this I converted to a Christian later on we had to divorce she moved into another town and we'll I couldn't handle the heartbreak so  I became a playboy it's not what I like but do I have  to. But ever since I met omolara everything change and I just want her to be my woman and complete my life but she is just playing the hard time. Am aware she has two kids but  I don't care I love her and her kids I do. And also her family didn't approve of me I should be scared am making the same mistake again but then the love I have for her overpowered all my fears.

Hmm omolara you know I love you why are you doing this to me I love you more than words could say I can't do anything without thinking about you please my dear accept me and  become my wife.

Omolara pov

Hmmm Demo I called him by his nickname, see you have to understand things can't work out see I have two kids one is 16 the other is 10 how do I explain to my boys am getting married to make things worse my family did not approve of you am so sorry in as much as j want but I can't do this with you.

Babe plz I promise not to break your heart, see I will love your kids as my own plz just consider me we can always work things out. He said. SE I heard you I will think about it. He later dropped me home and went his way he called to inform me that he is home and we talked for some minutes more. That night all I could thinking about was him as his taught and handsome face filled my heart I decided to give him a chance and I told him YES the following day you could see the happiness on his face .

Ademola always showers me with gift and love not long after we got married it wasn't a big one it was just a parlor party between family and friends we started living together as one few months later I found out I was pregnant well I wasn't expecting it as I was in my very late 30's  my joy knew no bounds as the news of me carrying a child filled my heart I could remember praying at a church revival that I needed a female child I can't believe God has done it I just hope it's a girl.

Nine months later...
I just closed from my shop and it was already late in the night I just got home and it around 10pm I greeted my husband and we where gisting  we later went in to sleep I was about to sleep it was around 11pm I felt my water broke  and I was rushed to the hospital water was everywhere and it was raining heavily we got to the hospital and I gave birth to my baby girl my joy new no bounds a I held my bundle of joy tears filled my eyes  and her cry filled the room July 30th is a great day and I couldn't be more happy but everything changed that very night everything..

Author's note

As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu dear readers thanks for the love so far jazzakumulahu kohyron to you all

I know the chapter is somehow but I promise to improve my  skill
Also I taught it would be good to give you the overview of my parents life before I was born so there you go

Thank you for reading
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