Chapter 6

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     It had been around 4 days since JJ and you had been to Greysons. It was currently 3:47 AM, you just could sleep. You slowly got up from the bed where you and JJ were sleeping.

"Where you going?" J asked without opening his eyes

"Bathroom." You responded simply.

You went outside as quietly as you could and walked over to the Volkswagen. You knew JJ kept a blunt in here somewhere, you just had to find out where. You searched under the seats and in the glove compartment but still found nothing.

Suddenly headlights were in your eyes and a car pulled into the driveway. You ducked down and threw yourself into the backseat. You had no idea who it was, but at this hour it could be nothing good.

You heard the car doors open and then shut. A few mumbles were murmured. Your breath was shaky and growing louder. A flashlight was shone in your face from the window of the vehicle.

"Hands up!" You did as the person said.

He opened the door and led you out of the van with your hands remaining in the air.

"What were you searching for in this vehicle?" He questioned.

"Umm, my uh, phone. My phone." You answered.

"This phone?" The other man stated pointing towards your back pocket.

"We need to question you for federal investigation purposes." Then the man handcuffed you without any further explanation.

"Is there anyone else in this house?"

"I'm not sure, sir." You lied while being seated in the backseat of the car. The man shut the door.

They had taken you to this old building on the kook's side of the island. They confiscated your phone and you sat in this empty room, alone. You were scared and didn't know what was happening. You figured that they were the private investigators that Grey had warned you about.

You sat in the room isolated for a few hours before the handle finally turned and someone walked in. It was another man but different than the other who brought you here.

"We need you to be present during our professional investigation meeting." The man said. "Follow me."

You were trying not to cry but you couldn't help it. You were scared. There were people walking all throughout the hallway that you were being led through.

The man opened a door on the left-hand side of the hall and there was a large oval-shaped table in the center of the room. There were 2 females and 8 men on the sides of the table. At the end of the table, a familiar face sat. Greyson. A rush of relief fell over you.

You decided that you were going to act as if you didn't know anyone. For Greysons sake. You didn't know what the possibilities were if they knew that he was your brother.

You were sat in the chair on the opposite end of Grey.

"So Ms. Y/L/n, what exactly were you looking for in the vehicle last night?" Greyson spoke and gave you a look that read: actually tell the truth.

"A rolled Weed blunt, sir"

"Yet, you told my authorities you were searching for your cellar device, correct?"

"Yes sir. That is correct"

"So that was a lie Ms. Y/L/n?"

"Yes sir."

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