Untitled Part 10

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The six of you sat out in the yard on the variety of seating. John B was in a lawn chair, with Sara sitting on his lap, her head resting against his chest. Pope and Kiara were out on the boat dock sitting, and you and JJ were cuddled on the hammock.

"So did Greyson get you out of jail?" You questioned JB.

"Yea, " he answered while running his fingers through Sarah's hair.

"Did they find-" you asked slowly.

"Yea. But no one knows where dad went."

(A/n: rundown— Big John was found after he had been missing at sea {season 3} but he didn't die. He came back to Obx with everyone but about a month and a half ago he disappeared without a word. Hope this makes sense)

"Wait what did they fine?" JJ asked.

"There was files that someone owed my dad money, and no one else that man was associated with had the money that the man needed to give to my father, except his brother. Which was the deputy. But that man committed suicide, but before he did he told my dad to go ahead and take the money from the deputy."

"Damn how long ago did all of this go down?" Jj asked.

"I'm not really sure... but the man committed about 3 months ago. The investigators found the files in that room. I have no idea what went on outside of what the files have documented" JB responded.

John B's phone started to ring


Yes sir.

I will,


Thank you,


He looked up at you. "Greyson asked me if you were here. Then asked if I would tell you to get your ass back to his house."

"Oh my gooooosh. I swear he is worse than my mother."

JJ flicked you in your head. "That's a heavy insult." He scowled.

You sighed and got up and walked to your car that had been sitting there for the past few days. You got in and started it.

"You coming J?" You yelled out the window.

"Yeah hold on!" He went inside the house.

He returned outside and got in the car passenger seat.

"Run by Berry's would ya?" He asked,

"Why?" You asked pulling out.

"Weed." Was all he said.

"Though he only sold coke?" You asked, flipping on your blinker.

"He upgraded." he laughed.

You drove for a little while before pulling into the driveway of Berry's run-down trailer.

You decided to stay in the car while JJ went to get the drugs. Berry and Rafe were out the porch-patio thing.

"How did I know that Mr. Maybanks would be one of my first customers?" Berry said getting out of his seat to get what he already knew JJ was there for. 

Rafe got up as well and walked out to your car. He leaned up against your window with his forearms on the seal.

(Picture above because I can't describe it)

"Heard what happened yesterday," Rafe said not meeting your eyes.

"I didn't scratch your truck." You said trying to lighten the mood.

"Damn girl. I don't understand how you're making jokes through this shit."

"You get used to it, Rafe."

"Your right, you right."

JJ got in the car and shoved the brown paper bag under the seat.

"Later," Rafe said to you. You and JJ both knew it was only to you.

You started to drive to go to your brother's house.  

"J- babe. That's strong."

Jj ignored you as he focused on rolling 'perfect' blunt as he called them.

You pulled into Greyson's. He came outside immediately. He must have been watching for you.


You got out of the car and started to talk towards him as he walked towards you.

"I needed money." You defended.

"For what? For weed? For some dumb stupid shit for your little pogue friends?"

"For hospital bills." You said matter-of-a-factly.

"Okay and for who?" He put his hands on his hips.

"For me..." You hadn't even realized JJ was out of the car.

"He got attacked by dogs."

"You could've got money from me, and if I didn't have it I would've gotten it from her." His voice had made its way back down to a normal speaking voice.

"And let her hit you?"

"She likes me! She hates you." Grey said, and you couldn't help but crack a smile.

You both started laughing and Greyson reached out for a hug. You returned it and wrapped your arms tightly around him.

(sorry for the short chapter guys."

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