That's the sound of the police

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TW: Abuse is mentioned in this chapter so if you want you can skip that part, I'll mark it.
(Just so there's no confusion while reading this chapter the boys are both 8 right now)

"Kacchan look it's a cop car" They both look at the car with amazed eyes admiring it. Izuku's and Katsuki dream was always to be a cop, to help people in need and arrest people who do crime. "I know Deku! Isn't it so cool?" The man in the drivers seat of the cop car rolled down the window and looked at the kids and chuckled at the sight of them being cute.

The officer then puts on the sirens *whoop whoop* "That's the sound of law enforcement!" *woop woop* "That's the sound of law enforcement!" the kids sing and they all laugh 

"You kids be safe" the officer then looks at them with a smile on his face then pulling off as he gets an dispatch call. 

"Woahhh wasn't that All Might, the chief of police?" Izuku beams at Katsuki "Yeah it was" Katsuki says still amazed. "We should play good cop, bad cop Kacchan!" "Yeah we should, I'm bad cop of course!" Katsuki basically demanding "Thats fine, I like good cop!" Izuku says smiling.

The boys play until Katsuki's mom call him for dinner and they go their separate ways

Izuku's POV

I walk into my home after having a lot of fun playing cops with Kacchan and was instantly greeted by my mom "Hey sweetie" She says kissing my cheek "Hi mom" I say smiling at her
"How was the playdate with Katsuki?" "It was fun! We played good cop, bad cop!" He says making Inko laugh "You always do, go wash your hands so we can eat ok?" Izuku nods "uhn!" 

He walks to the bathroom and starts washing his hands but then he hears a loud thud and he peaks his head out to see what it was.

⚠️TW: ABUSE (Profanity too aka curse words)⚠️

"Why isn't the food ready b!tch?!" A man yells "It's almost ready I jus-" *smack* "You should know to have dinner ready before I get home. Now hurry the hell up before I slap you again!" the women is frozen in fear "What did I just tell you?!" The man raises his hand to slap her again but a then they hear a little boy yell stop and look at him. 

"I-Izuku" Inko says crying. "I won't let you hurt mommy anymore!" Izuku says looking at the man now above him "Tsk you let this brat think he has any chance of becoming a cop but he's useless." The man says talking to Inko. Izuku wasn't too phased by this, Actually he was used to it. His father would go on duty then come home black out drunk and hit his mother and tells him he's useless, He would try to help his mother but everytime his mom would tell him just go to his room but not this time.. He's going to stay there no matter what his mom says.. 

"Izuku just go to your roo-" "NO!" Izuku shouts clearly upset "Dad is supposed to be man who protects people not hurt people.. So why does he keep doing this?.. Why?!" His father tsked and then grabbed Izuku's wrist aggressively "W-wait what are you doing Hazashi? Stop!" Inko says worriedly grabbing onto the mans arm only to be pushed to the ground.

"no this little son of a b!tch wants to be a cop and a hero so bad I'll show him how being a cop is" He says dragging Izuku away leaving Inko crying on the floor feeling hopeless. 

Hazashi walks into Izuku room and throws him on the ground locking the door behind him and then says "Give me 50 push-ups NOW!" Izuku looks at the man with visible confusion "DID I STUTTER I SAID NOW!" Izuku flinches then instantly starts doing push-ups but Izuku couldn't seem to find the correct form earning a belt whoopin in return. 

Izuku now laying on the crying because of the pain is not understanding why his father is doing this to him, he said that he'll show him how to be a cop but this isn't what they do. right? 

"OI STOP BEING A WHINING LITTLE B!TCH AND KEEP DOING THOSE PUSH-UPS. CORRECT FORM THIS TIME"  The boy father yells and Izuku instantly starts doing the push-ups with correct form this time. "Good, Now faster you slow poke" Izuku tries picking up speed but fails earning another whooping from his father. This keeps going all night until Izuku gets done with the 50 push-ups correctly.


Bakugou's POV
At the Bakugou's 

I just walked into my house because my old hag called me for dinner and was instantly greeted by my old man. I thought he was supposed to be on duty. I run to him and hug him earning a hug back in return "Why hello my little one" my old man says chuckling at my cuteness "Hi old man! How was work?" I says excited hoping to get the answers I wanted. "It was great Katsuki! I arrested some really bad guys today." "Coool" I say joyfully, I personally think my dad is the best cop in the world. He's took down a lot of bad guys and even was on TV a lot of times "Boys come eat before the food gets cold!" My old hag yells from the dining area "Were coming honey" my old man says grabbing my hand and walking to the table. "Katsuki did you wash your hands?" I shake my head no then instantly run to the bathroom to wash them. 

As I was washing them I heard a scream. "What was that?" I said in a mumble. I finish washing my hands then dry them off and walk back to the dinner table. My old hag had a worried look on her face for some reason and was talking to my old man, suddenly I see my old man leave out of the house and my mother sigh. "What's going on mom?" I say a lil worried. She then looks at me and hugs me "It's nothing dear lets eat, your father may take a little while." She says motioning me to the chair at the table. We both sit down and start eating.

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