Is it really true?

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'' is their thoughts

Mina's POV

"Ok Ochaco I found the guy, It seems like they live in a run down apartment near the outskirts" I say looking at the computers in the back of the black van we're in "mhm" she says uninterested. She can't be serious right now "Ochaco I get you don't want to do this but can you please pay attention so we can at least get this done quickly." I say a little mad "*scoffs* and why should I? This is a job YOUR boss assigned I don't even want to help him not after what he did to not only me but Izuku" She says rolling her eyes, I look at her confused 'what is she talking about?' she notices my confusion and sighs "I guess he doesn't tell you guys everything after all, the real story is that Katsuki is a coward." she says and I look at her in annoyance "What the hell are you even trying to say? Izuku is the one who cheated on Katsuki." I say trying to defend my bestfriend "Do you know why he did it though?" she ask me with a serious look on her face, now that she ask 'why did he do it?' "If I tell you, you didn't hear it from me" she says then I sit up intrigued then she begins explaining 


1 year ago  (Flashback)

Izuku's POV

'Ok today's the day I'm going to finally ask Katsuki to marry me, I can't wait to see his reaction. He's going to say yes I'm so sure of it, I mean c'mon we've been dating for years and have known each other for longer.' I take a deep breath and put the ring in my pocket then walk to towards the park me and Kat used to play at when we we're kids. "Hey hon" I say walking up to him with a smile "What are we doing here?" he ask me 'ok that did not go as I wanted to' but I shook it off and asked "Your day going well?" he walks towards the swings humming "mhmmm" then sat down on one of them and I follow him and do the same.

We swing in silence for a few seconds then I finally grasp the courage then take a deep breath "Kat you know we've been together for 6 years now and have known each other pretty much since we we're born" I say looking down in embarrassment "Yeah of course I know that, why you bring it up?" Katsuki ask and I take another deep breath because of nervousness "You've always been there for me even though we didn't live close to each other, when I needed someone to talk to you we're always there, when I just wanted a laugh you we're always there so I guess what I want to ask is *gets up to stop katsuki swing and gets down on one knee* Will you marry me?" 'there it is, I finally asked. I look at him hoping he'll say yes but his face changed... he looked terrified' "Kacchan?" I ask trying to get his attention but he gets up and runs away, I look at him as he goes then look down at the ring 'Did I do something wrong?'

---(time skip) (it's night time)

I stayed at the park for a few hours trying to figure out what did I do, what did I say that was so wrong? why did he run away? I grabbed a few cans of beer from the store as I was heading back to the base, I pop one can open and start to drink it. As I walk into the base I hear someone talking, I sounds like Kirishima and Katsuki?! I was about to walk in to confront him but then I hear "Kiri is he insane?" Kacchan says I put my back against the wall looking at them through the door that's cracked open 'is he insane' lingers through my mind over and over but then I hear Kirishima talk "Kat can you blame him? You two have not only been together for so long but have know each other for as long as you two can remember, Why not give it a chance?" Kirishima says to him 'this is the first time I've ever seen Kirishima talk in such a serious tone' "Kiri you know I feel about commitment." Kat says crossing his arms together "That's why you left Ochaco? because things we're getting too serious?" Kirishima says with a hint of disbelief in his tone making Katsuki only shake his head "Kat you have to stop running away as soon as someone wants to get serious with you" Kirishima says face palming.

Katsuki sits down on the couch and sighs "I know.. it's just when my dad died I felt responsible. If it wasn't for me he wouldn't of went to that building, he wouldn't of died but because I wanted to fit in and be cool it cost one of my parents life. I just feel as if I get too close I would lose them too." Katsuki says with tears running down his cheeks now, Kirishima makes Katsuki look at him and says "It's not your fault Kat, your father was doing his job not only as an officer but as your dad, he wouldn't want you to sit here crying because he's gone. He knew how risky it was to be there and that's exactly why he didn't want you there. He saved you, because he wants you to be happy and stay alive not to sit here moping and crying." Kirishima then wipes his tears and Katsuki looks at him, staring into his eyes. 

"I should of chose you" Katsuki says hammering my heart with nails 'what does he mean by that?' "The past is the past Kat, Besides we both moved on right?" Kirishima says smiling but Kat only stares at him and it almost looks lovingly. My heart is pounding so fast it's about to rip out of my chest 'He's in love with Kirishima...' the thought of that broke my heart into millions of pieces 'Maybe I'm over reacting' I thought, I was about to enter the room again until I saw something that I thought would ever see... Katsuki was kissing Kirishima.

Tears started to roll down my eyes "Why? how could he?" I wanted to say out loud but came out in a whisper. I then take one of the beers I have in the bag in my hand and go outside to and sit in the garden.

(Flashback Over)

Mina's POV

I look at Ochaco in complete shock 'There's no way Kat and Kiri would actually do that to me right?' I start to laugh then she looks at me confused "That was a nice story Ochaco." I say still laughing "You think I'm joking?.... Fine by me, cope however you want." she says nonchalantly leaning back into her seat, I shake my head and look at the computer "The person we're after should be leaving the building soon since they've been inside for a while." I say "how do you know?" Ochaco says "Because the only thing they we're trying to do here was do an fire arms sell, that usually doesn't take that long." I say showing her the text I hacked from the guys phone. She then goes on to shake her head "He's an idiot, who's dumb enough to make deals on their actual personal phone?" She says grabbing a big suit case and gets out of the car and I follow.

We go to the roof across the street from the building the guy was at and she sets up her sniper up, I can't shake the pissed feeling I'm having because of what Ochaco said earlier so I decided to ask "Ochaco honest, is what you said earlier actually true?" I ask her and she looks at me then back into the sniper scope "Mina, you're the last person I would lie to." she says focusing on the building doors "But what if Izuku was lying? He's pretty much gone crazy after Solar died so what if what he said wasn't true and he's making stuff up?" I say to her and she shakes her head "Izuku looked way too hurt for it not to be true, he normally takes his sadness and turns it into anger but when he was talking about it all I seen was sadness. I mean I never will truly know, he could be crazy and think it went a certain way and it didn't but I'd ask your boyfriend." She says to me sounding genuine 'I don't want to accuse Kiri of anything but she's right, I won't get any answers if I don't ask'.

"Look he's coming out the apartments" Ochaco says and look towards the direction the guy is confused "Why is he going out the window?" I say then we see the guy running, Ochaco smirks and put her finger on the trigger "Ou wait I want to get this" I say pulling out my phone "3..2..1.. Cheese" as soon as I said cheese Ochaco pulls the trigger and bullet goes straight through the guys skull. She looks at me and laughs and I laugh with her "You're goofy" She says smiling and shaking her head while she puts the sniper back into the case "What? You have to make sure you have something to remember important events by" I say waving my phone. "Want to go to that one cafe down the street? I'm hungry." She says and I nod in agreement.

Katsuki's POV

"Well if It isn't my old friend, Wassup Neito." Izuku says to Monoma "I told you to stop calling me that, we are not friends and why is he here?" he says referring to me "because Monoma *puts my gun on the table* We have business to attend to."

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