Unfortunate Events Can Change Us

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Hello everyone I'm backk sorry for the wait, I don't want to waste your time so let's get right into the story.

"---" means time skip so there's no confusion 

Izuku's POV

It's been an whole year since I've seen Kacchan, I kind of miss him. Over the past year we grew our gang pretty fast and is well known as the Emeraldz, I'd say were the most famous Mafia but there's this other gang called the Red Knights who is right on our tail in the ranks. Currently Tenya is trying to find info on them "Boss!" Tenya says coming into my office "Yes Tenya?" I ask "I found out The Red Knights is going to the party Mrs. Hinako is hosting." He says and I nod "Great *stands up* since I was already going to attend it in the first place, any idea how he looks?" I say "No boss, that much I can't seem to find." Tenya says making me nod then walk out of my office and into my room. 'Hmm what am I going to wear?' I think while walking into my closet looking through the outfits 'bingo' I say grabbing an emerald green suit and going to talk an shower.

Katsuki's POV

"C'mon Dynamite just give us the jewels you stole from us." Some random guy says, I'm blindfolded so I can't see who the men are "Piss off ass wipe I'm not giving you your shitty jewels back." I respond "Give us the damn jewels back or I'll blow your damn head off" he says as I hear a gun cock back "Hm? you have nerve saying something like that and not being able to act apon your threat." I say and I can tell he's getting more pissed "Know what that's it!" He says then *BANG BANG BANG BANG* I smile "Took you idiots long enough." I say knowing where the gun shots were from then "Sorry Boss" They say and Sero comes to untie me then I take off the blindfold "We found what you wanted though, The leader of The Emeraldz should be at Mrs. Hinako's party tonight." Kiri says "Great news, we can kidnap the bastard and tell him to get out of our city and if he doesn't cooperate we'll kill him." I say wiping dust off me "I feel dirty.. Lets get back home." I say and they nod. 

7:30pm At Mrs. Hinako's Party 

"This my first time at this type of party." Mina says "Yeah me too but it'll only make things harder you know." I say putting on my mask before getting out of the car "You look really handsome Kat." she says smiling "What- I- thank you." I say blushing and looking away then I clear my throat "C'mon we need to go in." I say then we walk inside to the party "Woowww this place is huge." Mina says mesmerized then we hear 3 taps on the mic and everyone turns their attention to that place. "Hello everyone! welcome to my masquerade party, as everyone knows it's traditional for my family to hold one every year around this time and I would love to welcome the new comers as well.-" She says then raises an glass of what I hope is wine "May this blood nurish us." nope it's not wine and she then goes on to drink it 'What type of satanic ritual am I attending to?'  she then goes on to finish what she's doing and we all go back to the party "Kat what was-" "I have no idea." we say to each other in whisper. 

We walk to the part where the bar is and I sit at the stool scoping the place out to see where could the leader of The Emeraldz can be. "2 shots of vodka please." Someone says sitting 1 seat away from me 'that voice.. it sounds familiar' I look to see who it could be but I forgot were wearing mask but he'd eventually have to take it off because he's wearing an full face mask. "here you go sir" the bartender says giving the guy his drink, he then goes to take off his mask 'Shoto' I look in shock 'What is he doing here?'  "Sho c'mon we need to go" a man in a green suit says then Shoto nods "You seen that right?" Mina says "Yeah it's Shoto.. I wonder what he's doing at a party like this. I though these types of parties aren't his cup of tea." I say then look at Mina "We can follow him and see what's going on" she suggests "Why not?" I say standing up 'Maybe I can ask if he still hangs out with Izuku.' I thought as we following them from afar. 

Izuku's POV

Me and Shoto are walking down the street but I can't shake this feeling of being followed "Hey what's wrong?" Shoto ask me looking concerned "I feel like someone is following us." I whisper "Really?" "Mhm c'mon." I say turning into an alley way then  grabbing Shoto to hide. "fuck I could of sworn I seen them turn this alley." the girl says "I did too." the guy in an red suit says and looks around then I pop out and point my gun to them "Who are you guys and why are you following us?" I say "Hahaha you have a lot of nerve pointing a gun at someone and you don't know what they're capable of." He says "and you got some balls talking to me like that. Katsuki" I say making him freeze "Tsk I knew it, I know your voice anywhere." I say taking off my mask "What do you want?" I ask and he looks at me with a stare that could kill "Who am I kidding?" he says and starts to laugh and I look at him confused "Just watch your back Deku, let's go" he says and the girl shoots me an angry glare, even though she's wearing an mask I can tell that look in her eyes that she wanted to kill me but they leave "I don't understand why would Katsuki follow us and was he at that party?" Shoto ask "I don't know but he's obviously trying to find out something, maybe he's a cop again? Let's just be careful." I say then Shoto nods 

We walk to The Quix underground hide out and knock on the door "password?" a guy says peeping through the doors peep hole "Forest" I say then the guy lets me in "Our boss is waiting for you downstairs." the guy says and me and Shoto walk inside and down the stairs "Your finally here" the blond with blue eyes says "We had to attend that stupid party so the cops will get off my ass and just think I'm some rich asshole." I say sitting down infront of him "Well any idea who's the Red Knights leader is? he was suppose to be at that party." The blond says "C'mon Neito, you can't think it was that easy?" I say and he sits up "Its Monoma to you." he crosses his arms "Boss we got more info-" Someone says then stops talking, I look behind me to see who it was and I'd be lying if I say I wasn't surprised "Hitoshi." I say "Izuku.." he says and we stare at each other for a little minute "You said you had info on something" Monoma says "Yes boss, it seems like the The Red Knights seem to be making some type of move tomorrow night at our company building-" Hitoshi says "And?" Monoma kicks his feet up on the table "Well.. There's this gang coming about and they seem to be trying to get top of the ranks." Hitoshi explains, I then sit up and looks at the person I call my brother "Who? Everyone knows my position of this city isn't something to be fucked with" I look at Shoto then he nods and walks away.

"Do you know the name of this gang?" Monoma ask Hitoshi "Nope, no one does yet really." He states making Monoma sigh "Don't worry about it, my gang has it covered." I say lighting a cigar and take a puff of it. 'This is going to be a long night'

Katsuki POV

I can't believe that nerd. I guess I should of seen it coming "Hey you ok Kat?" Mina ask as she drives us home "Yeah.. I'm fine." I say looking out the window "I know seeing him again can be hard specially with Shoto.." Mina says and I sigh "What if their together now? Shoto only reasoning that he said he didn't kiss Izu along time ago was because he was my bestfriend and me and Izu were together.. Me and Izu aren't together anymore and we aren't friends anymore." I say and Mina tsk and shakes her head "You're overthinking this, maybe they just work together like they used to." she assures "We will never know that Mina.. So much can happen in just a year."

We drive into the driveway of our base then get out of the car and walk into the mansion. "Kat, babe your both back" Kiri says hugging us both "Yeah.. I'm about to go to bed." I say walking upstairs "Whats wrong Kat?" Kiri ask but I don't respond and just walk into my room and flops onto my bed, I sigh 'It's been a year, why do I still think about him? why do I still miss him?' I get up and take off my clothes and go take a shower.


"Boss we have news" Sero says as I sit in my office chair staring outside the window behind my desk "Spill" I say turning around facing him "Well there's this new gang coming out and about an-" I slam the desk "What new gang? Who even are they?" I say looking at Sero seriously "Well no one knows what the name of their gang is, it's almost like they're private" he says then I sigh "Alright, lets see if we can catch these fuckers." I say standing up "But boss we have no idea what were dealing with." he says as I put on my suit jacket "Yes but I know someone who doesn't want their position lost just as much as I do." I say pulling out my phone "You don't mean-" "Yep, I think it's time to set a meeting up with our old friends.. Get me Izuku's number" 

(I know this chapter is all over the place, I was trying to explain too many things at the same time T-T I promise next chapter won't be like this)

Unfortunate events can change us | DekubakuWhere stories live. Discover now