Doting Husband 1

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Pacita wipes her drool after throwing up.

She turns around to see Mito perfectly fine and seems to be shining and glowing.

She sighs and rubs her butt.

She thought the road would be smooth.

But many monsters came to attack them in the road and even bandits. Though they are subjugated immediately there are times that they have to ride the carriage on rough roads to avoid the trouble.

"Are you alright?" Mito asks.

Pacita sighs and closes her eyes, rubbing her head.

Mito moves to her back and helps her rub her head.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon."

Mito said softly.

Pacita opens her eyes and touches the hand rubbing her head.

"I know you are cool but now I realize how cool you are." Pacita chuckles and tries to imitate Mito while he fights.

"Husband, can you teach me swordsmanship too?"

"How about I teach you a sword dance instead?"

"You can dance?"

"Hm..Well not as good as you."

Pacita hugs Mito.

"Okay it's a promise."

Mito smiles and kisses Pacita's forehead.

Then his eyes sharply glares at his men watching them.

They all look away in panic.

Everyone is thinking : Who is this person?

They heard alot about the Duke favoring his new wife. But they don't know they are this much of a lovey dovey. The men escorting them are the Duke's original team on the North so they just met the Duchess.

"I can't believe there will be a time that you will be this kind of a man, Duke." Kayus said.

He is the Duke's right hand man and when the Duke is away in the North, he is the one doing his work.

Kayus is a common birth but thanks to the Duke, he was given a noble rank. Viscount Lemert.

"Hm." Mito looks at Pacita who is chatting with a soldier. "Prioritize her safety at all costs."

"Yes." Kayus understands. The Duke remarried just to stop the annoying inquiries of the noble and the royal family. "I guess the noble did you a favor huh."

Mito snorted but he didn't deny it.

Marrying Pacita is the best decision he had made and he might not like the Lawrences but she is the only reason why they are not being compensated for what they planned against Amadeus and what they did at the King's party.

"Mito!" Pacita hurriedly shows him a white ball of fur. "I saw it in the pile of snow. What kind of monster is this?"

"It's a snow Fur, Duchess. It can grow to a human sized head. They are not that dangerous but they are very temperamental making it hard to domesticate them. They also have a skill that can make the room colder, as you know North is already cold so having something that can make it colder is not welcomed."

Kayus explained.

"Oh. I see." Pacita sighs and lets the snow fur back to the snow.

"If you want it, you can keep it." Mito said.

"Nah. I'm not sure if I can handle the cold weather in the North so the least I want is something that can make it worse."

Pacita touches Mito's cheek.

"I just think I might be lonely when you are not around. I just think having a pet might be helpful."

"Hmm.." Mito thinks his wife is very adorable and understanding.

"I'll find you a pet."


Pacita hugs him.

"Thanks Darling!"

Kayus looks at Mito.

He remembers when they encountered a mountain beast, it was the size of a tree and Mito tried making it into a pet but it kept making a ruckus so he killed it.

'What do you know about having pets?'

That night, Mito left with Kayus and when they came back they were pulling a white lion as big as an elephant.

Pacita looks at it and Mito.

She is not scared as long as Mito is holding the chain.

"This is my pet?" Pacita giggles while everyone sweats in this cold weather.

Mito smiles and nods.

"Do you like it?"

"Hm..But won't it eat me instead?" Pacita asks.

Kayus looks at Pacita and understands why Mito likes her so much.

'She's just as weird as him.'


Thanks for reading♡

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