70. Always & Forever

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I Think He Knows / Viserys Targaryen out now!

"He's going to be fine." Hayley assured Tommen and Mycella, "he is just tired." Mycella nodded, she knew her mother didnt like her father, but Mycella loved the Wolves. So not having Robert around wasnt a big change. Tommen had visited with Hayley and Robert offered him a half smile high on poppy and Hayley hoped that his body was weaving itself back together again. 

Hayley stuck to her initial assessment Joffrey was awful and Mycella and TOmmen were not Cersei's children they were too wonderful.

"Excuse me." Hayley whispered moving to Ned. He wanted to kiss her but there was enough gossip without them adding to the drama. He brought her back to his chambers for a midday meal though. They sat on the balcony, ned ran a hand over her back tracing her birthmark. 

"In my considerable lifetime, I've only seen this mark on a handful of others," Hayley remarked her hand moving to her shoulder touching his hand. "All from the same bloodline... a werewolf clan that once thrived throughout much of what I call Louisiana."

"You still amaze me." Ned whispered. 

"What are we going to do about Cersei?" 


"Is dead, dead and not coming back to life." Hayley offered. "Just cersei. And Joffrey..." 

"Jaime Lannister is dead?" 

"Yep." Hayley agreed. "Did it yesterday actually, that was fun." she offered vaguely. "Cersei still thinks she has the power, and yet from what I understand of this world it is truly the hand of the king that holds the power." Hayley offered.  "The Hand of the King has great power. Power to find the truth of Lord Arryn's death, the truth of Roberts attempted assassination, to bring his killers to the king's justice. Power to protect your family, forever and always."


'lord stark a moment,' renly requested. 'alone if you will?' ned followed Renly off.

"I'm not a part of alone." Hayley assured him. 

"Robert named you protector of the realm. Cersei won't care. Give me an hour and I can give you 100 men.'' Renly remarked and Hayley nodded. 

"'what can I do with 100 men?' ned questioned.

"What can't you do?" Hayley pondered. 

''attack, in the night, we take joffrey into custody. every moment you delay gives cersei time to prepare. By the time Robert dies it will be too late for us.'' Renly offered. 

"Robert is not dying." hayley repeated. "But Cersei will strike either way."

''what about stannis?'ned questioned looking between them.

''save the seven kingdoms from cersei and give them to stannis?' He asked incredulously. 'You have odd notions of protecting the realm.''

"What is everyones problem with Stannis?" hayley demanded. 

''stannis is your older brother.' Ned remarked "And Hayley clearly loves him. I wont-"

''the line of succession doesn't matter, it didn't matter when you rebelled against the mad king.' Renly reminded him. 'It shouldn't matter now. what's best for the kingdoms what's best for the people. We know what stannis is he inspires no trust or loyalty. I do.' Renly told him.

"ALright, this is stupid, and Robert is not dying but he is not a great king so we should talk replacements but not now." Hayley agreed. 

"Mother, Stannis is a-" Renly began. 

'Stannis is a commander. He's lead men into war twice, he destroyed a Greyjoy fleet.' Ned reminded them both. 

'yes he's a great solider so was Robert tell me do you believe good soldiers make good kings?' Renly countered.

"You both have good points." Hayley agreed. 

''I will not honor Roberts last hours by shedding blood in these halls'. Ned informed him. 'And dragging frightened children from their beds.' Renly looks to Hayley.

"Do it." Hayley agreed. "Restrain Cersei and Joffrey. I will get the littles." Renly smiled back at her.

"Hayley," Ned scolded. "The queen-"

"Mothered three bastards with her brother Jaime. I caught them in the act." Hayley agreed. 

"What?" Ned rasped. 

"Come on you knew, I had fun killing Jaime though, take it as my vendetta for him pushing Bran and stabbing you."


"Ned, I love you. I never thought I would say those words again but I do. and I dont want your family to suffer because you have a good heart. Cersei will kill you, Joffrey too. They will demand it."

"Robert is dying."

"He will survive." Hayley corrected. "I just need you to survive long enough see it through."

"This isnt the way, I will deliver the scroll to Cersei and I promise we will all get through this."

"Dont make promises you can't keep." Hayley countered. 


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unfortunately Cersei had a similar thought, attack before night hoping they wouldnt suspect it. 

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now