38. Shut Up Jeffrey

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'Better looking bitches than your used to uncle." Joffrey remarked snidely as he looked down at Tyrion laying in the kennels. Tyrion looked up to him with distaste as he brushed himself off. 'Mother was looking for you. We ride for Kings Landing today.' Joffrey told Tyrion, sandor told a dutiful servant behind Joffrey.

'Did you thank lord and lady stark for their hospitality?" Tyrion mused. 

"No, why would I? This place is a shit show." Joffrey declared. 

"Because they opened their home to us and they didnt have to. We could have been sleeping in the snow." Tyrion remarked. 

"You did." Joffrey countered. 

"By choice." Tyrion clarified. "You have been disrespectful to them their home, their staff, it is expected of you, your absences already been noted.' Tyrion told him.

''I dont give a damn about these people they mean nothing to me-' tyrion slapped him across the face. 

'One word and I hit you again' Tyrion threatened.

'I'm telling mother!'

"Shut the fuck up, Jeffrey. You are embarrassing yourself." Hayley remarked and Joffrey opened his mouth to shout so Tyrion hit him again

'Go. Tell her, but first you will go to lady and lord stark fall upon your knees in front of them and tell them you are very sorry about your shit behavior and bad temper this whole trip. Do you understand?' Tyrion instructed.

'You can't!' Joffrey cried out and Tyrion slapped him again. Hayley cackled out. 

'Do you understand?' Joffrey stormed off.

'The prince is going to remember that little lord.' Sandor remarked.

'I hope he does, if he forgets remind him for me.' Tyrion mused. 

"What did I say? Favorite lannister." Hayley declared. 


'A sword for the wall?' Jaime questioned coming up to Jon.

'I already have one.' Jon told him

'Good man have you used it yet?' Jaime questioned looking over jon

'Of course I have.' Jon said.

'At someone I mean...' Jaime smirked. 'it's a strange thing the first time you cut a man.' Jamie told him 'when you realize we are nothing but sacks of meat flesh blood... Let me thank you ahead of time for protecting us from the powers against the wall Wildlings and white walkers and what not.' Jaime mused, 'the great wall could use good men like you protecting it.' Jamie said pulling Jons hand closer before letting him go

'We have guarded the kingdom for 8000 years.' Jon reminded him

'Is it we already?' Jaime questioned 'have you taken your vows then?'

'Soon enough' Jon answered

'Give my regards to the nights watch I'm sure they will be willing to serve such an elite force and if not... It's only for life.' Jamie added walking away

"Lannister don't be a dick." Hayley spat as she fixed her boots.

"Hayley, this doesnt concern you, you know nothing of this world." jaime reminded her.

"And yet, I know you. Not because of your supposed skills but because of how fucking cocky and arrogant you are." Hayley told him.

"I like her more and more by the moment." Tyrion remarked.

"She is trouble." Sandor said with a smile.

"No one goes up against my brother, he is a proud man." Tyrion told Sandor confidently.

"No one goes up against mum and wins." Renly told them. Sandor turned to him. "I have faith in her ability to beat his ass." Renly agreed.

"A wager?" Tyrion offered.

"Your brother wont go up against Mum." Renly said confidently.

'why not?" Jon pondered.

"Because men like him, don't like the idea of losing to a little girl." Sandor told them.

"No man likes losing to a little girl." Loras countered.

"Lady Baratheon." Tyrion declared and Hayley sniggered.

"Lady Stark has a better ring to it." Hayley mused looking to Ned.

"Shameless!' Loras called over to her.

"What can I do for you, Tyrion?" Hayley asked.

"Knock my brother on his ass." Tyrion offered. Hayley looked back up to Jaime.

"I'm not going to fight a girl." Jaime declared.

"Why?" Hayley countered.

"It's against my code." Jaime told her.

"It's funny how many men, have that code no matter the realm." Hayley mused.

"You can try Lannister, but my girl is tough." Loras warned.

"My girl?" Hayley teased. "I wont tell your lover you said that." She added with a wink. "What do you say? I can make it quick." Hayley offered as she lifted her hands. "But I can't promise it won't be painful.... warning I havent had to do this in a while, so but that just means my fuse is ready to blow." Jaime shook his head no but Tyrion nodded at her happily, Hayley stepped forward and kicked his legs out from under him, he landed with a thud in the snow.

"Yass mother, yes." Tyrion declared, clapping loudly. "More, more, please. I missed the boat hunt, pretend my brother is the boar."

"That boar is very dead." Sandor informed him.

"Your point?" Tyrion mused.

"I wasn't ready and I'm not fighting you." Jaime told her sternly.

"You see Jaime, I like Jon, Jon is a good man and I trust him more then you. Not Jon, what do you think? Is this man an arrogant and cocky piece of shit?" Jon stared at her a moment longer. She had the biggest of smiles on her faces.

"Yes." Jon agreed after a moment.

"Great," Jaime tried to dodge but she was fast, light on her feet, his armor slowed him down, he was better with a sword than his fists. He chose his opponents wisely, he never would have suspected a woman to have such power.

"I've been known to go too far to make a point.' Hayley remarked as she bent his arm back he whimpered out. "But I always get results." She let him go and he stumbled forward.

"That was sexy." Ned whispered but his voice traveled to her ears.

"Beating up lannister's turns you on, good to know." Hayley said with a laugh.

"Hayleys bark is not worse then her bite it seems." Jon remarked.

"Oh but honey, you havent seen my claws yet." Hayley corrected.

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now