39. Men In Black

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Arya was packing Nymeria, her wolf was helping her for she was headed to Kings Landing soon when Jon came in.

'Apparently I had to do it again.' arya told them 'my septa said that they were not folded properly so I have to do it again!' she sassed, 'who cares weather they are folded properly, they're going to get all messed up anyways!' she griped.

'It's good you got help.' Jon remarked looking to her pup

'Watch.' arya said standing up straight, 'Nymeria. Gloves.' the dog just stared at her, arya tipped her head but Nymeria still didn't move.

'Impressive.' Jon answered

'Shut up.' Arya snapped. 'Nymeria. Gloves.' she shouted again and again the dog did not move 'dammit.'

'Arya I have something for you,' jon informed her. 'but it has to be packed very carefully.' Jon told her

'A present?' arya said excitedly

'Close the door.' Jon told her pulling out the blade he had created just for her. 'this is no toy.' he told her 'be careful you don't cut yourself.' she held it in her hands.

'it's so skinny.' she remarked

'So are you.' Jon told her. ''I had a blacksmith make it for you special, Hayley kicked Jaime Lannister's ass too just now when I was picking it up.' Jon told her.

"She did? I love that girl!" Arya declared. "Can father marry her? Wouldnt that be grand!"

"It would." Jon admitted. 

"Do you think they might get together at the capital? I think they like each other and shes way cooler then mum, she doesnt yell at me for needlepoint looking crooked and she loves swords! She should teach me." Arya remarked looking to the blade. 

'it won't work anyone's head off but it can poke anyone from holes if you're quick enough.' Jon added.

'I can be quick.' Arya agreed.

'You have to work at it every day.' Jon told her.

'Every day.' Arya agreed

'how does it feel? Do you like the balance?' Jon questioned.

'I think so.' Arya said

'The first lesson. Stick with the pointy end.' Jon told her and arya crinkled her nose at him.

'I know which end to use.' Arya told him

'I'm going to miss you.' she went to hug him but almost stabbed him, 'careful.' he said and carefully she put down the sword and she hugged him leaping into his arms. 'all the best swords have names you know...' jon told her.

'Sansa can keep her sewing needles I've got a needle of my own.' Arya said still holding tight to him. "I dont want you to go to the wall Jon. I will never see you again." 


'17 years ago you rode off with Robert Baratheon, you came back a year later with another woman's son and now you're leaving again!' cat told him exasperatedly.

'I am going. I can't refuse the king.' Ned reminded her but he was glad to be rid of her. he just wished it was under better circumstances knowing what he knew about Jon Arryn.

'That's what they always say, all our goals but that's what you tell your family, tell your son... you do have a choice.' cat told him 'and you've made it.'

Ned opened his mouth but there was no use arguing with her, tomorrow she would forget he was gone. Already moved on.  He should really bring everyone and leave Catelyn to stew in her anger but someone needed to stay at winterfell and be warden of the north.

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora