60. Sired Little Bitches

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The kids were all playing with the wolves in the gardens, Hayley couldnt believe Joffrey and cersei were going to have them executed, God the nerve of them. Ghost ran up to Hayley and nuzzled his nose against her legs. 

"Hey handsome." Hayley coed. Tommen ran up smiling back at Ghost. 

"I have ser pounce but... well Joffrey doesnt like him." Tommen remarked. "I like having the dogs here," he added cautiously reaching out for Ghost but Lady came up wagging her tail into him. Tommen laughed out as he reached for Lady. 

Cersei was with Bran and Hayley heard his nervous little heartbeat. She had kept them apart kept Bran safe and she knew... she knew something and she wanted to go out and ask it, but she wanted that declaration when she really needed it... really needed that extra aha moment. Wanted the world to hear it. 

"I dont... I told you, I still dont..." Bran whimpered and Ned glanced to them. All the kids turned as Hayley disappeared from their side. 

"Yet you seem so nervous Brandon." Cersei countered. 

"Back off." Hayley instructed giving Cersei a shove back, Bran hid behind her. Cersei guards closed in ready to attack. "Does scaring people bring you pleasure?" Hayley pondered. Cersei scoffed as she brushed herself off. 

"I'm just talking." 

"You talk to everyone like that?" Hayley pondered. "Enough to make their hearts race and palms sweat?" Cersei snarled at her. 

"I hold the power here." Cersei declared and her guards moved in sync drawing their blades but Hayley didnt flinch. Ned ran towards Hayley, Jon too. "Careful Hayley." Cersei sneered looking her up and down. "With the way you are acting one might think you are trying to steal with crown, kill the beloved queen.... I could kill you right now and no one would batt an eye because you are already dead." Cersei declared. Hayley rose a hand stopping Jon and Ned. 

"You want someone dead. Go ahead. Kill me. Try to. I would like to see you try." Hayley challenged. "I'd rather die anyway than end up as one of your sired little bitches." Hayley sassed and cersei glared back at her. But faltered as Hayley's eyes changed, a golden hue and black veins under her eyes.  "Thought so." 

Arya's eye went wide, as she whispered to Sansa and Rickon, did you see that, did you see that? Did you see her eyes

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Arya's eye went wide, as she whispered to Sansa and Rickon, did you see that, did you see that? Did you see her eyes. 

"TUrn around, a walk away." Hayley demanded and Cersei stumbled backwards. "Deal with you later bitch." 

"What the hell was that!" Arya shouted running to her. Ned took a hesitant step forward. Cersei thought she was seeing things and ran but the starks were convinced they saw what the saw. 

"You scared of me now?" Hayley pondered. 

"When you said you were a wolf... a hybrid..." Ned rasped as her eyes shifted back. 

"Thats so cool!" Arya shouted. 

"What else can you do?" Bran questioned. 

The cat was out of the bag she looked around at them and they didnt seem as horrified as she thought they would be, but she supposed all stories she was telling them about her life back with the Mikaelsons really paid off. They already had all the stories in their minds. About wolves, witches and vampires, Hayley smiled back at them. 

"All those stories..." 

"They werent just stories." Hayley agreed. "That was my life before I got here. My life and my death and rebirth..." 


"You think I'm terrifying, a monster now?" Hayley mused as Ned pulled her into his chambers that night. "That i'm a big bad wolf." she added but he kissed her. 

"I know things are all upside down right now I'm glad you told us." 

"I didnt, I just got carried away when I was threatening Cersei." Hayley corrected. 

"We got to have faith that everything will be alright in the end, that good will prevail. I have faith in you, Hayley Marshall." 

They kissed, long and slow, their tongues stroking, their bodies pressing together tightly. Hayley smiled into him as he fisted her dress. Hands sliding in the slits on her dress.

"You never wear dresses." Ned remarked. 

"Maybe I need you to take it off." Hayley offered kissing him again. 

On a whimpered moan she melted, the fabric of her dress a cool caress against his heated skin. He took his time, licking and sucking, nipping and soothing, relishing every moan and sigh. He turned around, guiding her back toward the chair, slowly easing her back, but her lips stuck to his.

Filthy kisses full of hungry, gasping need. With slow, deliberate movements he ran his hands over the curves of her body, finding the ties of her dress. He pulled at them gently.

He allowed his hands to roam down her rib cage and hips, slipping his hands under the hem of her dress, the edges of her panties silk against his palms. He savored the smooth curve of her backside as she sucked his earlobe, balancing her hands on his thighs, dangerously close to his cock, pulling him closer.

Pleasure coiled through her, tighter and tighter, centering on her clit and the slow circling of his thumb there. She pressed her fingers hard against the seat, desperate for more leverage to force him to finish this. So close. His hand drops away and then his voice is in her ear, low and rougher than she had ever heard it.

"I'm going to enjoy ripping this off."

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now