14. The Hospital wing and the House cup

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Madam Pomfrey shrieked as something or someone appeared in front of her, a misty ghosty looking like magic surrounding them for seconds, before vanishing.

„Miss Lovegood! What have you- Mr. Potter! Oh poor soul, what happened to him? Come, help me lay him on that bed!"

Izel nodded quickly and helped, after steadying herself upon feeling dizzy.

Just after, she felt something running down her nose and upon touching it, she saw blood on her finger. But not red blood.. silver-white blood! Before she could even progress or tell Madam Pomfrey what had happened just before, her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell to the ground unconscious.


„Good afternoon, Harry," said Dumbledore. Harry stared at him, before remembering.

„Sir!, The stone! It was Quirrel! He's got the Stone! Sir, quick-"

„Calm yourself, dear boy, you are a little behind the times. Quirrel does not have the stone." Dumbledore said in a calming voice.

Harry although was still in panic.

„Then who does? Sir, I-"

„Harry, please relax, or Madam Pomfrey will have me thrown out." Dumbledore interrupted him.

Harry swallowed and looked around him. He realised that he's in the hospital wing. As he took a look at the bed beside him, he spotted the girl that many have been muttering about in the halls. They said that she was crazy, he couldn't bring himself to think so. She was of some sort like him. They were usually by themselves and quiet. Harry wasn't anymore though, since he had come to Hogwarts. He wondered if she even had friends. He did spot her with the twins sometimes or Neville, but she was often alone. She pretended to not hear when they called her crazy in the hallways, but he knew that it hurt her. He could see it in her eyes. Ron thought about her like the others. Harry didn't know what to think. Hermione wasn't sure what she thought of her. If he could recall correctly, her name was Izel Lovegood.

„Sir, what about her? What is she doing here, what happened to her?" He asked desperately, he wanted to know if it had something to do with the stone and Quirrel.

„She saved you, Harry." Dumbledore smiled.

„She- she did? What was she even doing there?"

But instead of Dumbledore answering, she did.


„Sir, what about her? What is she doing here, what happened to her?"

Izel heard a boys voice ask. She opened her eyes slightly and was blinded by the bright light, shining through the window. Seeing the white ceiling and feeling the comfy bed underneath her, she knew that she had to be in the Hospital wing.

„She saved you, Harry."

She now heard Professor Dumbledore speak.

Dumbledore? What was he doing here? And what am I doing here?

Was all she thought. Then she remembered. Quirrel fighting against Potter, Quirrel having a face on the back of his head, Potter disintegrating him and then falling unconscious, the flames circling them and coming closer, her powers teleporting them to the Hospital wing and her falling unconscious also.

„She-, she did? What was she even doing there?"

Now she could identify the voice, it was Harry, Harry Potter, asking about her?

Why would he ask about me..? I'm nothing to him, aren't I?

Finally she looked at him, he was looking at Dumbledore, expecting an answer, but before he could speak, she did.

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