24. Confession and first full moon at Hogwarts

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Izel had been nervous for the rest of the day. It didn't help having Neville seated next to her most of the time in classes.

There was only half an hour left till they would be having their free period.

Neville kept glancing at her additionally, wondering what she was going to tell him.

Other than that, after that whole scenario in the great hall, there were basically three different kinds of people's opinions on her. The ones who now liked Izel more(or had taken a liking to her), or the ones who hated her, or the ones whose opinion remained the same. It was pretty noticeable, because a lot of students, she had never seen nor talked to before, greeted her like they had known eachother for years. Then there were others who just glared at her, talked behind her back and casually shouted insults at her. And still there was the Draco Malfoy gang, that acted the same around her with the usual insults and provoking words.

Safe to say Izel did not care about either,
but still a shill would run down her spine at the word 'freak'.

Sometimes she would feel embarrassed, wishing she would have never attracted all that attention.

But it was too late for that now, wasn't it?

Izel chuckled quietly to herself.

„Anything funny about my teaching, Miss Lovegood?" Professor McGonagall asked.

„No not-" Izel tried to quickly deny, but someone interrupted her.

„Maybe she has something to criticise, like earlier." Ron suggested, obviously angered by the whole ordeal between Izel and his two brothers.

„Shut it." Izel hissed and turned to the Professor again, who looked at them outraged.

„Continue bickering, you two, and you'll both land in detention!" Professor McGonagall silenced them both, ending the discussion with it, and gazed at all of her students again, continuing their topic of todays class.

Izel could practically feel Ron staring daggers into her back. It was rather amusing than annoying to her.

That continued on pretty much the rest of the lesson. She wondered when his eyes would eventually pop out of it's sockets from all that staring.

„Just take a picture." Izel advised him, walking close by him purposely, after the Professor had announced their dismiss.

She could feel the heat returning to her cheeks the closer she neared her designated location. Neville was walking close behind. Other students that had a free period as well, had come outside as well, but too far away to eavesdrop.

Reaching the big tree finally, that had a few letter + letter engraved into it, she turned around to face Neville.

He came to a stop in front of her, a curious and awaiting look on his face.

Gathering herself for a moment, she took a deep breath and blurted out, „Ineedtoconfesssomethingtoyou." noticing his confused look, she spoke again, this time slower, „I-I need to confess something to you."

„What is it? You know you can tell me everything." Neville smiled lighly, hoping to ease her.

It only made her blush more.

„So, err- oh merlin, how do I begin this.." Izel started to nervously fumble with her fingers, „E-Ever since - I think - the end of first year, I've felt different when I was with you, even more so after the first DADA class this year..."

Neville gazed at her nervously, numerous things running in his mind.

Didn't she want to be friends with him anymore?
Had he done something wrong?

𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕤 𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣.Where stories live. Discover now