26. Mudbloods beware

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The end of October soon arrived and Izel had managed to cast a shield a few times in her private lessons, but nothing more than that. 

Even though Ginny had hurt a week before, she still tried to get her to talk, but only around other students. Something about Ginny made her uneasy, making her fearful. The wound on her hand being on her right, made it hard to write sometimes. Neville was nice enough to help her with her Homework or notes. Thus far she hadn't told anyone what Ginny had done.

Also today was Halloween, which meant another reminder of her Mother's death. It wasn't as hard for Izel as it was for Luna. While Izel could see, talk and touch their Mother, Luna couldn't. Which led Izel to act basically as a parrot, repeating everything her mother was saying to Luna. Aside from that, since yesterday, a full moon had taken form again, just as it was going to today and the day after.

A week after Neville's and Izel's decision to just be friends, Anarchique and Luna found out. Just like the rest of the school, that had known before that they were together, which wasn't that much.

While Angelica and Charles didn't care that much, Valencia was almost heartbroken. Saying things like; 'You haven't even been together for that long!'

Valencia had been pouting for a week after that and hadn't spoken a word with Izel. Angelica and Charles were a bit annoyed by the overdramatic reaction from their friend, but Izel only found it amusing.

Right now Izel was wandering the halls, glad that she had some time alone for herself and didn't need to repreat everything. She did feel guilty about feeling this way. It wasn't Luna's fault that she wanted that, she wasn't able to see or hear their mother after all. Even though Izel was able to, she missed her mother, weirdly. Normally when she was little her mother had almost always been around her and went on little adventures with her, with or without Luna. But now she came by briefly, every few days per week. Izel could have asked her to stick around more, but she felt uncomfortable at the thought of asking.

Izel stopped mid-thought as she spotted no other than Harry Potter sitting on a step of a stairway, head rested on his hand while he stared blankly into the air. He seemed rather sad.

Izel had almost wandered off and left the boy alone, but she realized she couldn't. She couldn't bring herself to.

Instead she sighed quietly to herself and walked towards the Potter boy. Just now she had realised that two people were sitting behind him, Lily and James Potter.

She quickly looked away and tried to ignore them, so they wouldn't realize that she could see them.

„Why do you look so glum?" She decided to ask, standing in front of him.

„Huh?" Potter snapped out of his trance and raised his head to look her in the eyes.

„I asked, why you're looking so glum." She repeated and sat down beside him, not waiting for an invitation.

„Oh, err- I thought you'd know, I thought everyone would, my parents they-"

Suddenly it dawned on her, „Oh, right. I'm sorry." Izel looked at him pityful.

Potter shook his head, „No, it's alright. Refreshing actually... someone not knowing every detail about my life."

„I bet it is." She replied, „Where is the rest of you lot?"

„Dunno. Don't really care.." Potter answeared, sadness laying thick in his voice.

„You know..." She stopped for a second as he looked expectant at her, waging in her mind whether to tell him, „I know how you feel on this particular day.."

𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕤 𝕥𝕠𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣.Where stories live. Discover now