16. Life changing

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Some days later, after lunch, Izel and Luna headed out into the woods that are just by the hill their house is placed on. They decided to have a picnic, to have some sister bonding time. With them, they brought a blanket to sit on, a basket with food and each of them a book.

The birds around them in the woods chirped melodically to each other and a rustle in nearby bushes could be heard here and there.

„Are you excited for Hogwarts? You got your letter yesterday." Izel asked.

„Of course, I am excited, do you think Dad will buy me an animal to bring to Hogwarts?"

„Problably, I mean I have two."

Luna nodded, „So, did you have a chance to read the book I got you last Christmas?" Luna asked while setting down the blanket with Izel.

„Yes, yes I did actually. It helped me and thanks for reminding me, I haven't practiced in a long time.. or at least it feels like it's been a long time."

„That's nice." Luna chimed and sat down  on the blanket, Izel did the same after setting down the basket.

„Which book did you bring?" Izel wondered, as she watched Luna open her book.

„Oh, just one of your Hogwarts books, so that I can already learn a bit. I hope you don't mind I borrowed it."

„Don't worry about it." She responded as she opened her book on the page where her bookmark laid.

„What did you bring? The cover looks majestically." Luna questioned interested, as she pointed at the stag that was on the cover.

„Oh, it's the first book of the Shadow and Bone saga by Leigh Bardugo. It's about a girl that discovers that she has powers and learns to control them and so on. So I enjoy reading it, because I can relate to her."

„Where did you get that? I didn't see any books like that in the book stores."

„Me and Dad went this morning when you were still asleep. We went to a Muggle store and they had so much better books than we do! I bought a few... or let's say a lot. They were all just so interesting. I can let you borrow a few if you want." She gushed with excitement.

„Mm-hmm" Luna nodded, already immersed in her book.

Taking that as a sign to start reading herself, she did so on page 152.

„Baghra reminds me of Professor Snape, grumpy and strict teaching methods just like him. Imagine Professor Snape teaching me how to control my powers, eugh." Izel spoke after they had read for some minutes in silence, but Luna didn't seem to hear her.

„Bloody hell, I never thought a school book could be this interesting to someone." Izel muttered, even though she didn't have to and turned her gaze at her book again.

After 2 hours, Izel and Luna's stomachs began to growl almost simultaneously, which made them laugh.

„I think we should eat something." Izel spoke as she closed her book and put it down beside her.


So, while eating cherries, chocolate, cookies and so on, Izel answered Luna's questions about Hogwarts, what to expect, how the teachers are and so on.

Time was going by fast and before they knew it, it was already dark. Their father had specifically told them to be home one hour after dark and reminded Izel to take care of her little sister, but they got so caught up speaking about Hogwarts, that they didn't even notice, that it was well after one hour, after dark.

If they would have looked up into the sky, they would have noticed that today the moon was a full moon. It wouldn't have worried them, since they live near a Muggle village, so typically there shouldn't be any werewolves out in the forest, but their father liked to take precautions, for good reasons.

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