~Chapter Three~

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I woke up on the floor of Kenma's bedroom to find him still fast asleep up in his bed. I looked at the time to find out that our alarms haven't even gone off yet. They would be going off in a few minutes though.

I sat on the floor and played on my phone until our alarms went off. Kenma had his alarm set as some music from League of Legends, which isn't surprising.

"Morning." Kenma yawned as he sat up.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Like hell. You?"

"Meh." I shrugged.

"Go get ready for school. I'll meet you out front then." He said. I nodded and headed back over to my house. When I walked inside, my mom was standing at the stove making breakfast.

"Where the hell were you? I thought you were upstairs..." She said when she saw me.

"I was over at Kenma's, I must've forgotten to tell you, I was kinda rushing around when I left last night."

"Don't forget to tell me next time please. Now go get ready for school before you're late." She said. I nodded and hurried up the stairs to get dressed in my school uniform.

Once I was dressed and had my hair fixed how I like it, I headed outside to find Kenma sitting on his porch playing on his handheld. Once he saw me, he stood up and we started walking to school.


Once we were at school we went our separate ways, as usual. Yaku met me at the bottom of the stairs so we could walk up together.

"So, I saw you walk in with Kenma again this morning." He teased.

"You do realize that we live right next to each other, right?"

"Yes, I'm aware. But still." He said.

"Are you even gay? Like, how would you know anything about any of that? What are you basing this on?"

"No, I'm not but...still."

"You're annoying, you know that?" I rolled my eyes.

"I try." He smiled. When we got to our hall we went our separate ways to our classrooms. I sat down at my desk and thought about it. Maybe I should talk to someone? Bokuto maybe? He's the only person I could see myself going to.

I sighed as the teacher came into the classroom to start lessons.


Classes were boring, so of course I got distracted. I was thinking more through my feelings. I know Yaku was probably just joking around, but it really got me thinking.

I was so deep in thought that I missed Kenma waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. He had to come running after me.

"Hey!" Kenma called after me.

"Oh - hey." I shook myself from my thoughts.

"That was like the third time I called for you. Are you good?"

"Yeah, just kinda thinking about some stuff." I said.

"What kinda stuff?" he asked.

"School....stuff..." I lied.

"Uh-huh..." He wasn't convinced at all.

"So...how was your day?" I changed the subject before he could ask more questions.

"Not horrible, I guess."

"Better than yesterday at least?"

"Yes, definitely."

"Good." I smiled.

We got changed for practice and started working on our quick attacks again. This was what we typically did every practice before we did warm ups.

When we heard Coach blow his whistle we gathered around at the bench. He gave us our instructions for the day, which was to work on our blocked ball retrieval, and then sent us off to do warm ups.

We went through practice setting up spikes to intentionally go into blocks so we'd have balls to retrieve. In general practice was going pretty well. I was mainly spiking and blocking because I'm one of the tallest players we have, so I wasn't getting a whole lot of retrieval practice in. I mean, that's fine, I'd honestly rather not go diving for balls if I don't have to.

At the end of practice, Coach called us around the bench again to talk.

"Alright, next week, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, we have a training camp to go to. Shinzen is hosting. I have permission slips, get them signed and returned. I'd prefer if they were turned in by Monday. That's all, enjoy your weekend!" He announced.

Another training camp. We go to so many of them damn things because of the academy group. It feels like there's a new one every month. I don't mind it too much, I have friends from some of the other teams, so getting to see them is kind of nice. Especially my Karasuno friends, they live a bit farther away so I don't get to see them as often.

"So, do you wanna have a sleepover at my place tonight?" I asked Kenma as we walked out of the gym. I didn't realize that Yaku was right near us and could hear our whole conversation. I knew exactly what he was thinking from the look he gave me as he walked past us.

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do this weekend." He shrugged.

"Perfect." I smiled.

"Can we stop and grab food before we head to your place though? I'm kind of hungry." Kenma asked.

"Yeah, pick a place and we'll go." I said. I didn't care where we went. He nodded and looked up places to eat in the area on his phone. He eventually led us to a small cafe that mostly sold desserts, pastries, and coffees. I got a cup of black coffee and a chocolate filled croissant. Kenma got a caramel macchiato and a slice of apple pie with some ice cream. Him and his apple pie. If we go somewhere where it's available, he gets it.

We sat down at a table in the back corner. We were quiet, just enjoying each other's company. I really do love spending time with him.

After we finished eating, I grabbed another coffee to go before we decided to head back home. I was planning on staying up late, so the caffeine was absolutely necessary.

When we got back to my place we took turns showering and then set up some games on the TV in my room. We decided to work on a minecraft world that we've been working on for a while. We were working on a whole village with guard towers and a wall surrounding it. It was decently sized too. We had a few houses, a castle, a shopping district, a farm, beacons everywhere for power ups, a mine, and Kenma had installed a fuck ton of redstone work around the entire area. I absolutely suck when it comes to redstone and automating, but Kenma is basically a god at it.

I was currently working on a chest room so we had an actual place to store all of our things. We were just placing random chests everywhere, so building a chest room was needed at this point. I was building it under the castle, which is what we use as our main base while we're in the village.

We went like this for a while, but MInecraft is only fun for so long. Once it did get boring we headed downstairs and set the big screen in the living room up for some movies before making snacks. We popped popcorn, made a frozen pizza, and then sat down to watch some netflix. I let Kenma pick what we watched.

After a few movies, and probably three bowls of popcorn between the two of us, we decided to head back up to my room and get ready to head to sleep. We set a bed up for Kenma on the floor and I crawled into my bed.

Was it weird that I wanted him up here in the bed with me? Like, we've been friends since we were little. We used to sleep in the same bed all the time. We just stopped doing it as we got older for some reason. Probably because it's seen as weird for guys to do that.

I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling just thinking.

I really gotta call Bokuto tomorrow. Maybe he can help walk me through these emotions.

~Word Count~

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