~Chapter Fifteen~

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The next morning we woke up at the very last minute to pillows being tossed at us.

"Wake up, love birds, you two are gonna be late for breakfast if you don't get up." Yaku laughed.

"We're getting up...slowly..." I yawned. Kenma was half awake as well. Soon Yaku and most of the others started leaving so we got dressed as quick as we could and headed outside with them.

Our team had already gone ahead without us, of course, but Bokuto and Akaashi were out there waiting.

"Took you guys long enough." Bokuto playfully rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, we woke up a bit late." I said.

"You're fine, Bo is just being a dick. Let's go, I'm ready for food." Akaashi said. He was done waiting and started walking over to the cafeteria. Kenma, Bokuto, and I followed close behind him.

At breakfast we sat with a decently large group of people. We spent the hour mostly bullshitting and teasing each other more than eating. We were mostly teasing our Karasuno friends, knowing they were going to lose most of, if not all of, their games today like they have the past two days.

After we were done eating, Kenma and I walked over to the gyms together to start warming up how we usually do; practicing our quick attacks. We were almost immediately in sync and falling into a perfect groove. If things keep going this way, today was going to be a really good game day for Nekoma.

When the coaches blew the whistles to gather us up for our game assignments, we headed over into the sidelines and looked at the white board. Our first game was against Ubugawa today. They were one of the strongest teams here. They've beaten us almost every time we've played against them. The handful of times we won though were very satisfying,

Kenma and I decided to take every chance we could to throw Ubugawa off. Throwing quick attacks, dumps, delayed attacks, we threw everything we had at them. We lost, but we didn't lose by a whole lot. We actually went into 'overtime' and had to play to a few points over what we usually have to.

Our game after that was with Karasuno. Here's hoping that Yamaguchi had a chance to talk to four eyes.

Instead of going easy because of Tsukki, I jumped at my full height for our first few attacks.

Every single one was either blocked out completely or one touched by Tsukki. Something actually clicked. Something. Fucking. Clicked. FINALLY.

I smiled when I noticed the little smirk showing on his face after the first ball I had sent was blocked out. He looked like he was genuinely enjoying the game for once in his life.

"So, what clicked, four eyes?" I teased.

"Yamaguchi yelled at me..." He said quietly as he looked away.

"Wait, your number twelve can yell?" I laughed a bit.

"Only at me." Tsukki said with a small blush on his face. Cute.

"Well, whatever he said seems to have gotten through that thick skull of yours. Keep playing like this, it's fun having an opponent who actually tries." I teased.

The game actually went very well. We still won, but it was definitely harder to do so. Their whole team seemed to be much more on their game today than the past few days. That attitude was radiating off of every single Karasuno player, including those that were on the bench, and it did win them the game against us. We weren't expecting it, so we were thrown off guard.

"Alright, I guess we're doing a punishment lap." I said, still shocked that Karasuno actually got a win on us.

Once we had done our lap of diving drills, we had to wait for our opponents to be done with their game, so I sat outside and played on my phone for a little bit. Kenma sat out there beside me, as he usually does. We stayed there until we were called in for our next match against Shinzen.


Lunch rolled around fast and just about all the players were excited. There was some kind of caramel apple crumble dessert today. I know they had it at the last camp and my god was it fucking good. Everyone wanted to be first in line, including me.

When I got my food, including extra dessert, I sat down at a table with Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, Daichi, and Sugawara. When I got there, Bokuto was already teasing Daichi and Suga about how bad their team was.

"Hey, give them some credit, they actually beat Nekoma today."

"Wait, seriously?" Bokuto was surprised as all hell.

"Yep. I guess Yamaguchi talking to Tsukki helped." Daichi said with a small smile.

"Apparently Yamaguchi actually yelled at him. At least that's what Tsukki said."

"Wouldn't surprise me. He was getting frustrated as all hell with his behavior lately too. Chances are he just kinda blew up at him and didn't really mean to do it that way." Suga explained.

"Yeah, that makes more sense." Bokuto nodded. The rest of our lunch period was spent goofing off and joking around with each other.

Before we headed back over to the gym I decided I was going to use the bathroom. I didn't realize Kenma had followed me until we were already in there.

"You good?" I asked. Usually he wouldn't follow me.

"Yeah, I'm fine...I just wanted to see if I could try something?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. Without any more talking or hesitation Kenma pulled me down to his level by my shirt and kissed me. I was surprised, very surprised actually. But once my brain processed what was going on I melted into it and kissed him back. I turned things around, pinned him up against the nearby wall and took dominance from him. I felt as he played with the hem of my shirt. He was nervous.

"Do you want me to stop?" I pulled away from the kiss for a second. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable.

"N-no..." He stuttered. I smiled and pulled him back in for another quick kiss. I wanted to start making out with him right then and there, but knew he probably wasn't comfortable enough or ready for that, plus we had to be over at the gyms in like five minutes.

"We have to go back to practice here soon. We should probably get out there before anyone comes looking for us. We'll talk about this later, alright?" I smiled. He nodded and we both headed back out to the rest of the group.

"Took you guys long enough, what the hell were you two doing in there?" Bokuto asked.

"We weren't doing anything, Bo." I obviously lied.

"Uh-huh, we're running behind now, let's go before we get yelled at." he rolled his eyes. The six of us then started heading back over to the gym. 

~Word Count~

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