~Chapter Five~

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The next morning rolled around and Bokuto and I both woke up to find that we'd fallen asleep downstairs on the couch and the TV was still running. I turned the TV off, knowing we wouldn't be using it anymore.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" I asked.

"Well, we could go hang out with Kenma." He teased. I did want to hang out with Kenma. I pulled out my phone and called him.

"Hello? He sounded half asleep still.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"No, you're cool. We were just up really late playing Town of Salem. What's up?"

"Bokuto and I were wondering if you wanted to hang out today?"

"Yeah, give me like fifteen minutes and I'll be over." He said.

"Okay, see you soon." I smiled as I hung up the phone.

"The smile you make gives away how you feel about him, you know."

"Oh, shut the fuck up...It does not." I tried to pout but the smile I had was still stuck on my face. I knew he was right. Even just thinking about him makes my mind go nuts about him. I really do think I might be in love with my best friend.

We went and got dressed really quick before Kenma came over. I threw on a pair of black jeans, a video game graphic tee, and I threw on a gray plaid button up shirt on top.

"Ooh, dressing up for Kenma?" Bokuto teased. God I wish I'd known he and Akaashi were going to get together, I would have been teasing the hell out of both of them.

"Only a little..." I admitted. To be honest, yeah, I did want to look good for Kenma. Bokuto is probably the only one that I'd admit that to though.

As we were walking back down the stairs we heard a knock on the door. I opened it to reveal a Kenma, who was dressed in jeans and a hoodie.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Hey." He replied. He came in and the three of us sat down in the living room. We tossed around ideas of what we could do today and we eventually decided to go grab some fast food and then go to the skate park. We haven't been there in quite a while and it was a really nice day out, so it was perfect.

I grabbed my skateboard, as well as my spare board so Bokuto had one, and then we stopped at Kenma's so he could grab his. We rode them downtown so we could find something to eat first. We eventually settled on getting McDonalds after a bit of debating between McDicks, Dairy Queen, or KFC. McDicks is just better, at least in my opinion.

We sat inside and ate, not wanting to carry bags of food and drinks over to the skatepark on skateboards. That just sounded like it would be a total pain in the ass.

After we ate, and maybe threw fries at each other, we refilled our drinks and headed to the skatepark.

When we got there we sat our drinks on the table and headed to some of the ramps. We just skated around for a bit, trying to get used to some of the drops again before we tried to do any actual tricks. I Kept getting distracted by watching Kenma. The way his body moved, the way his hair blew in the wind, the way he got annoyed when his hair got into his face. Once his hair got in the way too bad and caused him to fall off his board he pulled his hair back. It's been a hot minute since I saw him with his hair back and oh my good god...he was hot. I looked at Bokuto, who was watching me as I was watching Kenma. The look on his face read 'just ask him out already'. I couldn't, not yet...I wasn't ready. I have my feelings in order, kind of, but I don't know Kenma's feelings or how he feels about me. I can't do anything until I know what he's thinking.

I shook myself from my thoughts and decided that I was used to the drops and went to show off a bit. Right as I was getting ready to do some of the bigger ones, a bunch of little kids on scooters decided that was the perfect time to try and play around. I almost hit the one girl. I don't know if she was trying to get hit or what, but she was directly in the way. I just moved to a different structure after that, I didn't wanna be held responsible for crushing some little kids.


After a while we were getting tired, and annoyed that even more little kids were showing up, so we decided to call it a day. The three of us decided we'd hung out enough for the day and headed home. Kenma and I decided to both chill at my place though. We sat up in my room and played on our minecraft world again and talked. Most of the conversation revolved around the game and what we were building, but Kenma asked a single question that almost made me panic.

"You've been distracted by something all day. What's on your mind?" He asked. I didn't realize he actually paid that close attention to me.

"What? I haven't been distracted." I lied.

"I don't think you're being honest with me, but I'll drop it for now. I know I hate being forced into talking about things until I'm ready to. Just know I'm here to talk whenever you need." He said. He didn't take his eyes off the TV screen the entire time that mini conversation was going on.

I guess I didn't realize he probably cares about me and my well-being like I do his, because he's my best friend.

"Anyways, I think I'm gonna blow up like...this half of the mountain." Kenma changed the subject pretty quickly, showing a giant mountain on his side of the screen. He already had the flint and steel in his hand and had an inventory filled with TNT.

"Ooh, can I help? Let's just blow up the whole thing." I laughed. He showed me to a small area with a few chests, four double chests to be exact. All four were filled with TNT. I filled my inventory and we both headed over to the mountain. 

~Word Count~

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