~Chapter Eight~

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My alarm started to go off way earlier than I wanted it too, but I got up anyway to get dressed for school. When I got downstairs my mom was already awake.

"You look exhausted." My mom noticed as soon as she saw me.

"I was up late playing video games with Kenma."

"You two and your video games." She rolled her eyes with a smile. She knew gaming was a distraction for me, so she never really said a whole lot when I was up late playing. It's not like I was loud or kept anyone but myself awake with it, so it was fine.

I put my shoes on and grabbed my school and practice bags before heading outside. I walked over to Kenma's place because he wasn't outside waiting yet.

When I was walking up to the porch to knock on the door he walked out the door.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess." He shrugged. He looked tired too. Maybe we stayed up just a little bit too late.

When we got to school, we went our separate ways as usual. Yaku was at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to upset you or Kenma. What I said was really out of line." That was the first thing he said to me when I got to him.

"It's fine. Just don't say stuff like that around him anymore, please." I said. He promised he wouldn't anymore. He didn't tease me at all today. Maybe he really did feel bad about it.

We walked the rest of the way to our classes in silence. When I got to my class I sat down and got my stuff out for my lessons.


Yaku walked down the stairs with me after classes ended. He wanted to apologize to Kenma after what went down yesterday. Kenma was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. His look went from calm to annoyed or pissed off the moment he saw Yaku with me.

"What the fuck do you want, Morisuke?"

"I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I shouldn't have said what I did, it was uncalled for."

"Apology accepted. I'm still kinda pissed off, but thank you for apologizing." He said. The conversation was dropped at that and the three of us walked to practice together without another word. I'm sure things will eventually smooth over between the two of them. At least I hope they will.

Practice today was a bit different, but not too far off our usual. We were having a practice match but it wasn't just against our own team. Shinzen was visiting for a surprise practice match.

We all did warm ups together, did some practice serves and spikes and then lined up on the service lines to start our game.

We've played against Shinzen plenty of times, and we'll be playing against them this weekend too. They're a really strong and talented team. We almost always learn something new when we play against them, which is probably part of the reason they're one of our main practice teams. They all work so well together, similar to our team.

Kenma and I started the game off with a few quick attacks right off the bat to try and throw them off. The first one surprised them, but after that they were pretty much ready for them to come. We always had to be changing up what weapons we use. That's just part of the fun of this game though.


After we played a few games with them, winning about half and losing by only a few points for the other half, we called it a night and cleaned everything up for the night.

Kenma and I walked home like we usually do. We talked about school and stuff for a bit and we talked about the camp coming up. He was excited to see Shoyo and see him and Kageyama do their freak quick. He was mesmerized by that attack every time they did it. I understood why, we've never seen anyone do an attack like that. I mean, Carrot Top closes his damn eyes. Hinata and Kageyma have a really interesting bond with each other. I mean, the one camp they came to they didn't talk to each other for more than half of the camp and were in the middle of a fight. Kageyama didn't send Hinata any sets during that whole period, it was weird.

When I walked into the house I headed upstairs right away. I figured I could start doing my packing for camp. It was a few days away, but I'd rather have it done early than do it last minute and forget half the things that I needed.

I got showered and then pulled out the backpack I use for away camps. I put clothes in the bottom and then threw in everything else I'd need on top of that. Would I be digging through everything every single day to get to what I needed? Yes, yes I would be, but as long as I can get everything to and from camp, it doesn't matter. At least it doesn't matter in my opinion. Once I was done I set the bag next to my desk so I knew where it was for camp.

After I packed I decided to hop onto my computer to play some games by myself. I ended up playing some Town of Salem. Hinata was right, this is a pretty fun game. I played a few rounds before getting tired and heading to sleep for the night.

~Word Count~

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