pt. I: 9 - Thawing

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Late update, I'm sorry :3 but! we finally have a happy San here (and a bit indecisive, but what's new?)

Late update, I'm sorry :3 but! we finally have a happy San here (and a bit indecisive, but what's new?)

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San almost skips down the stairs on his way to meet Wooyoung. It's Tuesday, his second free day, exactly 3 p.m., and the sun is shining more radiantly than ever before.

Yesterday directly after supper, San handed in his resignation. Apart from the slightly uncomfortable minute he had to wait until his bosses had gone through the document, everything went smoothly. They had asked if he wanted to stay longer than the two weeks, which he politely declined, alleging his pending preparations for attending university as an excuse.

Now, finally, it's all set: he will leave the island in twelve days. Never before had San been so excited about the prospect of leaving.

He called his family yesterday in the evening to tell them the news, also allowing his parents to finally open the university's letter that had arrived in their mailbox a full week ago. It was an acceptance letter. In retrospect, it seems logical that the university wouldn't want to waste paper on rejection letters.

San's parents didn't understand why San insisted he wanted to go to Chugyeong University regardless of the acceptance letter because, as his sister pointed out, the other university's IT major was more diverse and ranked higher than Chugyeong's technical department, but San couldn't care less. He still doesn't care. IT was a nice idea to study – but biology or maths could maybe be just as interesting. As long as he can start university with Mingi and Yunho, San would even be fine with something completely different. He sang in the church choir when he was younger and went to an arts high school, so music might also be a good idea, who knows?

Support came in form of his grandparents, who were convinced that San can excel in anything he puts his mind to. While San strongly doubts he could ever find happiness in a teaching or sports-focused career, his grandparents' trust in him has given him enough confidence to make his decision for Chugyeong University final. Yesterday, short before midnight, he tiptoed down in the lobby to log in on the work laptop, to send a confirmation mail to the admission office of Chugyeong University and transfer his tuition fee for the first semester. Things were suddenly taking shape rapidly, his future was suddenly looking so good – San can't really fight the big, beaming smile on his face as he enters the lobby, waves one of the other co-workers at the reception Hello and discovers Wooyoung waiting by the glass front facing the ocean.

Wooyoung is looking out of the window at the ocean. He almost looks mesmerised by the view – maybe it's just the waves drawing back and forth, maybe he's spotted an animal in the water... San's thoughts jump back to Mingi and his apparent beluga-sighting a few days ago. It feels lifetimes away, although nothing much has changed. Except for San's emotions: he's feeling happy now, and more hopeful than he's felt in a long time. Last week's numbness and hopelessness are worlds away. San hopes it stays like this for a long time.

He focuses back on Wooyoung, just as Wooyoung turns around. Wooyoung is really pretty without his consistent efforts to hold himself a certain way – but something in his posture shifts the moment he discovers San. Wooyoung must be on guard or insecure, San deducts, and quickens his steps.

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