19 Gu Xi

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Less than half an hour after work, Gu Yu lost his job again.

How can I say how I feel now...

Gu Yu walked out of the National Concert Hall with a piano box on his back. After the fire truck arrived outside the door, he was extinguishing the fire around the dry fountain pool. The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and steaming water.

He sat on the suspension car calmly and fastened his seat belt, but he was not in a hurry to leave. He pointed to the steering wheel and sighed.

It is undeniable that there is still a trace of joy of not having to work in the subconscious cerebral cortex... but it was soon lost by sorrow.

There is no money at home. Lu Chen has to drink repair liquid and go to the hospital for a follow-up visit every month.

And the January period of the Male Insect Protection Association is hanging overhead...

Gu Yu was raised very well from childhood to the age. After the death of his female father, he married Lu Chen as soon as he left the family, and he didn't have to worry about living at all. The convenience of male insects also makes him less troublesome in the relationship between insects. He has hardly ever encountered such a great pressure.

It's fake to say that you are not tired.

Gu Yu is naturally afraid of trouble and also avoids trouble. Once something is stamped by him as "it's a trouble", Gu Yu will not pay attention to him anymore.

For example, Elvis left him with a light brain. Gu Yu will not add it, and he will not contact again in the future.

It's not really to avoid anything. If Elvis is quieter and less, it doesn't matter whether Gu Yu adds it or not. Now, if it's all like this, of course he thinks it's troublesome.

Gu Yu was about to drive away when the communication suddenly came, which was a special tone.

Light brain special prompt: "Dear male worm, your female."

"Lu Chen." Gu Yu didn't think much about it. He took a look at Lu Chen at the other end of the screen, clicked on the automatic driving, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The suspended car rises step by step at a stable location, drives high in the sky, and flows into the limited road restrictions over Xinghe Avenue.

With self-driving, the car in this review is much more stable, and it is completely conscious and harmonious in the Imperial Road Traffic Law.

Lu Chen looked at Gu Yu with Gu Yu for a long time. Gu Yu was a little puzzled and began to reflect on whether he had done something wrong. Lu Chen said, "I read the news. Xinghe Avenue was attacked. As long as you're okay."

The vehicle was high in the sky. Gu Yu swept out of the window and overlooked the whole Xinghe Avenue, which had been stationed by the army. There was thick smoke rolling in the direction of the escape, and bursts of gunfire and shells could be heard, but it was far away from Xinghe Avenue, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Lu Chen's tone sounded all right now, but his eyebrows were still slightly frowned. It could be seen that it was suppressed, and his expression was still a little low.

Gu Yu reflected that he really didn't consider this. He just heard that there was an attack, and he rushed to Xinghe Avenue without thinking about it. He only thought about the security work, but did not consider what Lu Chen should do if something really happened.

He comforted half jokingly: "Relieved, Major General, I must be avoiding anything. I will never catch up. What's wrong with me?"

It was okay if he didn't mention it. As soon as he mentioned Lu Chen, he couldn't restrain him. He frowned deeply: "The news from the military department said that this incident was caused by an organization called the male insect country a week ago. This organization is very mysterious. Previously, the military department knew nothing about them, but it could plan such a big incident in just a week after the establishment was announced.

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