72 Auction

103 4 0

The black market auction house in Ulaxing was built in the center of the city of this port.

Gu Yu and several insects stepped down the stairs and went down the abandoned subway tunnel. The empty corridor was faintly lit and overgrown with weeds. This section of the subway planned by the municipal government was abolished halfway due to insufficient funds, but it became a dens of underground smuggling.

Joyce has been here several times. He touched the wall familiarly and knocked on a slightly raised place.

It turned out that there was a hidden door here. After passing the signal, the doorman slowly opened the organ. An underground world outside the law in a completely different and dark area was displayed in front of Gu Yuqi.

"This is our ticket." Joyce handed a few coupons to the black market boy who was in front of the door.

The little brother in the black market casually took a look and pointed a direction to the yellow and chaotic light, but no one could see exactly what he was pointing to: "Go in, booth 383, on the third floor underground."

He picked up the red seal and stamped a mark on the clothes of Gu Yu's arms.

"It is said that this is convenient for emergencies to eliminate bugs that come in." Seeing Gu Yu subconsciously frowning, Joyce came over and whispered, "Follow me, the stairs are over here."

The building is inverted to the ground. The first floor is the highest floor. It does not belong to the auction house, but has large and small turntable gambling houses. Countless star coins and banknotes are sprinkled on the table like ordinary things.

The gamblers were either so excited that they had won a lot of money, or they lost so much that they had to come back. The sharp voice of the Asian female dealer "buy big, buy small, buy away from hand" is like a layer of oil on the water, always suspended on the dim yellow light, which is not true.

"Dear male son, won't you have a game?"

Passing through the chaotic and crazy insects all the way, Gu Yu's head was buzzing and stopped no less than four or five times.

Every time she was stopped, the Asian female must have a claw of a salted pig. Gu Yu even disliked the claw, so he had to avoid it like a plague god.

Moore and Joyce took the initiative to protect both sides of him and blocked the restless claws for him first. Loloya whispered in the back, "Colonel Yirong has female insects to touch porcelain. If it were the original appearance, wouldn't the whole audience be crazy?"

Gu Yu walked away with disgust and answered leisurely: "That's over. We can only die together."

Lolia: "..."

Moore found a tendency of his boss: "Why do you always 'dead together' at any time? Can't there be a better solution?"

Gu Yu looked at him lovingly: "Silly child, I'm joicing. You really lose."

There is something wrong with this premise. He is not stupid. Why does he have nothing to do to run to this damn place? Is it because you eat too much, or do you sleep too much?

Moore: "..."

The fist is hard. How can Colonel Gu owe so much every day and live so long? If he had produced a female insect, he would have been dragged down by the worm and beaten up.

However, if this is the case, Colonel Gu, who has become a female insect, will probably have to pull up a few levels, and it is not easy to beat.

They went down the dirty stairs covered with unknown stains, on which there were many vendors, either selling counterfeit money, drugs, or female insects.

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