Chapter Three

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The sun twinkled overhead, casting the arena in a golden light

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The sun twinkled overhead, casting the arena in a golden light. Darla huffed out a quick breath, annoyed with the day's heat. Her skin grew damp under her long sleeves and dark strands stuck to the back of her neck. She leaned against the back wall of the royal box, hidden from the view of the nobles.

Her eyes trailed over the small crowd, slipping between the King and Hand's figures. Auburn hair glowed in the light, pulled back slightly and cascading down the girl's back. The neckline of her pale blue gown exposed parts of her shoulders. Darla longed to trace her fingers over the delicate lines of her neck.

Drums began beating in a pounding rhythm as the King stood up from his seat to address the crowd.

"Be welcome!" The crowned man yelled. Darla glanced to her side as bright red fabric came into view, once again the Princess was late when her presence was required. Dark brown eyes rolled in annoyance as Darla looked forward. "I know many of you have traveled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. When I look at these fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious by the news that I am happy to share: Queen Aemma has begun her labors!"

The crowd cheered at the news, thousands happy to hear of the impending birth.

"May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!" Viserys yelled, sitting back down as two knights moved to stand on either side of the field. Viserys lifted a ringed hand, waving Darla over.

Darla moved to stand behind the King's seat. She gently laid a hand atop Viserys's shoulder as she leaned over, placing herself between the King and the Hand. She pressed the full goblet into his hand, smiling down at the man as she did so. Viserys stared back at her, his gaze heavy as his eyes dropped from her face to the neckline of her dress. He didn't notice as Rhaenyra turned back to look at him. The princess's eyes narrowed upon seeing the way her father looked at his attendant. Darla glanced towards the princess, her dark brown eyes seemed to taunt the Targaryen, glimmering with mirth in the face of the younger girl's anger.

A loud crash was heard as the lance met the shield, the wood splintering. Darla moved back to her position at the edge of the tent, not caring for the sport. Though she couldn't help the slight uptick at the corner of her lips as one of the knights was knocked from his horse, flying back and crashing onto the dirt.

The victor rode around the arena before stopping in front of the royal box. He briefly bowed before riding off. Darla could not place the banners he wore, unsure of what house he belonged to.

Another knight rode up to the royal box, taking the unknown knight's place. "Princess Rhaenys!" The man called, lifting the tip of his lance upwards. "I would humbly ask for the favor of the Queen Who Never Was."

The Royal box filled with an uncomfortable tension, as the crowd laughed at Lord Baratheon's words. All eyes watched as Princess Rhaenys stood from her seat beside her husband and walked to the edge of the box.

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