Chapter Eleven

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As the sun rose over the Red Keep and the castle's occupants stirred, Darla called for the King's page, alerting the young boy that three would be breaking their fast in the King's apartments

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As the sun rose over the Red Keep and the castle's occupants stirred, Darla called for the King's page, alerting the young boy that three would be breaking their fast in the King's apartments. Darla leaned against the balcony's doorway, breathing in the sweet breeze that swept over the Black Water Bay. She wondered if the Page had reached the Tower of the Hand and if Otto Hightower had heard the request for his daughter's presence. He no doubt believed the King had called for her, that he had won against Darla. Too blinded by his pride and ambition to realize he had been playing right into Darla's hand.

Arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her back into a large chest. Darla relaxed into the touch, enjoying the warmth Viserys's body offered. It was her favorite thing about the man besides the crown he wore. Fingers brushed back inky dark tresses followed by lips tracing over her neck.

"What are you thinking?" Viserys whispered into her skin.

Darla hummed, turning in Viserys's hold to wrap her arms around his neck. "Once you officially make me your mistress I will need to move out of my room in the servant's quarters."

"You are welcome to remain in my rooms with me."

"I have no doubt I will spend most of my time at your side," Darla spoke, dropping her gaze to watch as she spun silver strands around her finger. "I have never had my own room, I confess I had hoped I would receive a set of apartments alongside my raise in status."

Viserys chuckled, bumping his nose against Darla's. "You can have your choice of apartments then."

A small smile spread across Darla's lips, glancing up at him through her lashes. "I already have some in mind."

"Oh, you do?" Viserys grinned, ducking his head to nip at her jaw

"Mmhmm." Darla hummed, tilting her head to the side.

As her eyes fluttered closed, deciding to enjoy the sensations, a knock rang out against the doors. Viserys groaned, dropping his head to rest against Darla's shoulder. He sighed, forcing himself to pull back, slipping out of Darla's hold as he turned to face the door.


Servants bustled into the room, carrying platters of dishes and pitchers of light ale. Darla glanced at the other lowborns, by all rights she should be serving the lords and ladies alongside them instead of on the King's arm. Viserys stepped forward, pulling out a chair for Darla. She smiled at him as she took his seat, watching as Viserys sat beside her.

As the servants moved towards the door, ready to take their leave, one of the kingsguard stationed outside the King's chambers entered the room.

"The Lady Alicent Hightower, Your Grace."  The knight bowed slightly, stepping to the side so Alicent could follow after him.

"Your Grace." The teen greeted.

"Come," Viserys instructed, motioning to the empty seat across from him. "Join us, Alicent."

Darla's eyes tracked Alicent's movements, trailing over her figure. She wore the same dress she had worn when Viserys had first called on her. The dark blue fabric was slightly two big, not quite as tight as it had been designed to be. Darla wondered if it had been Alicent's mother's, she recalled the Hand's wife passing soon after her arrival at the Red Keep. How sickening, Darla thought, for Otto to dress his daughter in her dead mother's gowns to seduce the King.

A silence filled the room, broken only by the sound of silverware on china. Darla glanced between Viserys and Alicent, content to wait and see who would break first and speak. She leaned back in her seat, her hand lifting her cup to her lips.

Alicent glanced at the other girl out of the corner of her eye. She had never paid any mind to the King's personal attendant and now she cursed herself for that. Her heart pounded against her rib cage, threatening to jump into her throat and cut off her air supply. The feeling was similar to the last time she had been called to the King's chambers. Alicent's skin itched and her fingers twitched, feeling the need to dig her fingernails into her skin. She recalled how Darla's cool touch had calmed her nerves and silenced her mind. Part of Alicent almost wished she was brave enough to reach out herself.

"The Small Council is urging me to remarry," Viserys spoke, breaking both of his companions from their reveries. "It seems the realm wants for a new queen."

"A good and kind queen will give comfort to your subjects," Alicent spoke, her voice gentle and cautious as if she were balancing on a precarious edge.  "Does the Small Council have a particular lady in mind?"

Viserys's gaze flickered to Darla for a moment before returning to Alicent. "Lord Corlys Velaryon has offered the hand of his daughter, the Lady Laena."

"A very strong match, Your Grace."

"I must admit, I don't know Laena very well."

"I'm sure that she is good and kind," A smile pulled at the corners of Alicent's lips, though Darla could see it didn't reach her eyes. "And that she will enjoy your company, as I have, Your Grace." Alicent turned in her seat, lifting a wooden box up off of the edge of the table and passing it to Viserys. "I brought you something."

Surprise washed over the King's face as he sat up straighter. Darla leaned over his shoulder, watching as he lifted the lid. There nestled in red velvet was the stone model of Balerion, the very one that had shattered the day prior.

"I asked the stonemasons to mend it." Alicent explained as Viserys carefully lifted the stone creature.

"This is a very kind gesture, Alicent."

A loud knock interrupted the moment. Viserys sighed as leaned back in his seat, straightening his clothes. Darla moved to her feet, darting to the nearby table holding pitchers of ale or wine.

"More wine, Lady Alicent?" Darla asked, glancing over her shoulder.

"I uh," Alicent stuttered for a moment. "Yes."

Darla lifted the carafe of Arbor Red off the table, turning back to the table she had just sat at.

"Come." Viserys called.

"The Hand, Your Grace." The same kingsguard announced, as Otto Hightower entered the King's chambers.

Alicent stiffened beside Darla, gaze falling to her hand in her lap. Darla's eyes followed, noticing how Alicent picked at the skin of her thumb. She moved to Alicent's other side, shielding the younger girl from the Hand's sight. Her hand not holding the pitcher brushed against Alicent's arm, fingers pressing into the bare skin the dark blue dress revealed.

Darla continued offering the younger teen silent support as Otto Hightower spoke. "Your Grace, I've called the Small Council to an emergency session."

"Why?" Viserys questioned.

"I think it best you hear it directly."

"Very well." Viserys agreed, standing from his seat and leaving the room.

Darla turned, gaze following the King before landing on the Hand. She could hear Alicent stand to her feet behind her, but Darla remained in place. Otto Hightower glared at the attendant before turning on his heel and following after the King.

A small smile pulled at the corners of Darla's lips as she watched the Hand to the King flee. She set the carafe onto the table, moving towards the door.

"Thank you." A small voice whispered from behind her.

Darla glanced back, meeting watery brown eyes. Darla merely nodded before continuing on.

AN: Do you think for a moment Alicent was hopeful that Viserys would marry Laena and then instantly felt guilty that her prayers had been answered at the detriment of an even younger girl?


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