Chapter Eight

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Golden light streamed through the open balcony bringing the large stone creation to life, thousands of small carved buildings glowed in the sunlight. Darla leaned against the open doorway, dark eyes tracking Alicent's movements as she circled the model of Old Valyria. Viserys droned on about his ancestor's home, detailing the destroyed lands. Alicent had taken Darla's suggestion, asking the King of his hobby as soon as she entered the chambers.

"The Valyrian capital was built into a volcano, much like Dragonstone. And the dragonlords, the highest of the nobility lived at the volcanic face," Viserys pointed to the tall stone buildings in the middle of the model city. "Closest to the source of their magic and power. And this was the Anogrion." Viserys's eyes flickered up from the cold stone to look at Alicent for a brief moment. "Did the Septa teach you of the Anogrion?"

Alicent glanced over her shoulder to where Darla stood. Darla shifted on her feet, pushing herself off of the wall. She moved towards the table holding a pitcher of wine, whispering as she passed the younger girl. "Bloodmages."

Wide brown eyes darted back to the King. "That is where the Bloodmages worked their craft, correct, Your Grace?"

"Yes," Viserys chuckled. "I am glad to learn the histories of Old Valyria are still known by others."

Darla turned back to the two other occupants, lifting a goblet to her lips. The sweet wine coated her tongue, masking the bitter taste of bile that coated her mouth. Her stomach twisted as she watched Alicent near the King, a sweet smile pulled at the younger girl's lips though her eyes revealed her fear.

"It is truly wondrous what you've built." Alicent complimented.

"Oh no," Viserys shook his head, denying the praise. "I only pour over the histories and provide the plans. The stonemason's built the structures."

"Do you believe that Westeros can be another Valyria, Your Grace?"

"That depends, whether you speak of the Freehold at its height or at its fall." Viserys lifted a stone dragon off of a tower, turning the creature over in his hands. "Over a thousand dragons, a navy large enough to span the seas of the world. The glory of Old Valyria will never be seen again."

The stone creature slipped from Viserys's fingers, shattering against the floor. Darla watched as both rushed to pick up the pieces. Alicent was nimbler than the King, collecting the larger pieces before standing back up and passing them to Viserys. The younger girl's face fell as the King's touch grazed over her hands.

Shifting on his feet, Viserys began fidgeting with the stone shards, glancing at the young girl stood before him. "Tell me, how is Rhaenyra?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, these days, she doesn't say more than a few words to me. I think she might find it difficult to discuss personal matters."

"It will take time," Alicent assured the man. " It did when I lost mine own mother."

"I wish she would approach me."

"What if you went to her?"

Viserys shook his head at the suggestion. "There are times when I would rather face the Black Dread himself than mine own daughter of fifteen."

A smile fluttered across Alicent's face, slight giggles falling from her lips. "I think she would open herself to you if invited. You do have such an easy way about you, Your Grace."

The Kign stared at his daughter's companion for a moment. "You will not mention our talk to Rhaenyra, will you?" Darla watched as once more Alicent's face fell and the twisting sensation grew stronger. "I just, I fear that she would misunderstand it."

"No, Your Grace."

Satisfied with the response, Viserys nodded, turning his attention back to the broken stone dragon in his hands. "Thank you for speaking with me, Alicent."

Darla placed the nearly empty goblet on the table and stepped forward, prepared to escort Alicent to the door. Brown eyes glanced at Darla, searching for direction. Darla tilted her head, motioning to the doors.

"It was an honor, Your Grace." Alicent bowed her head before quickly moving towards the door, joining Darla as the attendant opened the door.

Alicent stepped through the doorway, her breath leaving her lungs in a heavy sigh. She glanced around the empty hall, unsure of how to proceed with such a heavy secret weighing on her shoulders.

"You did well, my lady." Alicent turned at the hushed voice, meeting sympathetic dark eyes. "You will endure."

"Thank you." Alicent whispered, watching as the door closed separating her from the King and his attendant.

Darla's hand laid against the solid wood, taking a moment to breathe in the remnants of Alicent's perfume before she turned to face the King. Viserys leaned against the base of his model, hunching over the stone city. Darla moved to his side, her soft steps alerting him of her presence.

"I do not know about this, Darla. Rhaenyra would surely never forgive me if I wed Alicent."

A slender hand pressed against his shoulder blade, soothing his doubts. "It is the King's duty to strengthen his line."

Viserys turned to face Darla, his head tilted down, pressing his forehead to her own. His hands gripped her sides, thumbs tracing circles over her flat stomach. "The stress of this has already robbed us of a babe."

"The gods provide, my love. They know that to have a child before you are wed again would cost me. The Lords would hate me, they would accuse me of tricking you." Darla let her words settle, playing the innocent lovestruck girl well. She knew the gods would curse her for lying about a child, but she would need to believe in their existence first. Her hand trailed over his shoulder and up his neck to frame Viserys's face. "Once you announce your marriage and make me your official mistress our son will be born. He will soothe the realm's fears and follow after his father."

Viserys nodded, his nose brushing against Darla's. "Lord Corlys and my cousin have requested to meet with me in the gardens."

"When?" Darla whispered, tilting her head further so her lips brushed over his.

"On the morrow."

The words melted into Darla's skin as the King pressed closer to Darla, seeking out the sweetness of her kiss and the softness of her touch. One of his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her in tighter while his other hand trailed up to her chest, cupping her breast. Darla slipped into the recesses of her mind, allowing her body to continue with practiced ease while her mind chased after honey brown eyes and soft pink lips. 

AN: Darla's type is either power or a pretty auburn haired girl with big brown eyes, a dead mom and a shitty dad.


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