Chapter Six

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The King's attendant lingered on the edge of the Great Hall, haunting the space she was never meant to be. Her blood and status barred her from attending and yet it was only by the King's grace she was allowed to watch. Dark eyes followed the lords and ladies, searching for any sign of hesitation.

Darla was not pleased by the King's choice to name his only child as his heir, she needed the role to be vacant if she was to secure her place in the history books. One way or another she would carve her name, leaving a legacy none could compare to.

"Lord Corlys of House Velaryon," The Grand Maester announced as the lord stepped forward. "Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark."

From her hidden spot behind the large pillars, Darla saw the flash of doubt within the Seasnake, making a mental note of the emotion as the man finally knelt down.

"I, Corlys Velaryon, Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. I pledge Fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new."

As Lord Corlys stood and moved to return to his wife's side another lord took his place. An elderly lord dressed in bronze stepped forward.

"Lord Yorbert Royce," Mellos announced. "Lord of Runestone and Lord Protector of the Vale."

Lady Rhea's uncle, Darla realized, and Lady Jeyne's regent. Such an old and powerful House, what an ally they might have been if Prince Daemon had not humiliated them in his complaints of his wife. She watched as the man hesitated, he had only a year left of Lady Jeyne's minority to upset the King would be foolish, but to anger the Vale's heir could cost him and his house.

"Lord Yorbert?" Mellos prompted.

The elderly lord's shoulders sagged, his head falling as he lowered to his knees. "I, Yorbert Royce, Lord of Runestone and Lord Protector of the Vale, promise to be faithful to King Viserys and his named heir, the Princess Rhaenyra. I pledge Fealty to them and shall defend them against all enemies in good faith and without deceit. I swear this by the old gods and the new."

Darla sighed, she had hoped the man might refuse if only for her entertainment. Dark eyes seemed to glaze over as the remaining lords swore fealty, watching as the line got shorter and shorter. As the last lord finished Darla stepped forward, moving out of the shadows. She laid her hand on a nearby servant's shoulder.

"I'll take that." There was no question or request to her words, it was clearly an order and one impossible to deny.

The young man nodded, handing the red satin cushion to Darla. She moved towards the Iron Throne, leaving the shadows behind and stopping opposite of the Grand Maester. She kept her eyes lowered as the old man lifted the golden livery chain off of the cushion. Once he faced the Princess, Darla looked up. Dark brown met blazing lilac. Rhaenyra glared at the lowborn, angered by her mere presence. Darla tainted the ceremony simply by attending.

Darla grinned at the younger girl, a predator baring its teeth in warning. She stepped back, sinking into the shadows as Rhaenyra turned to face her father.

The King stood from his seat, his eyes met his daughter's for a moment. He tried to hold her gaze, ignoring the impulse to search out Darla. "I, Viserys Targaryen, first of his name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, do hereby name Rhaenyra Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne." As the words left his lips, Viserys allowed himself to look at Darla

Darla frowned at the older man, holding his gaze for a moment before she slipped behind one of the pillars and out of his sight. Viserys's eyes darted over the crowd, his breath stilling in his lungs as he searched in the gaps of the crowd for inky black hair. As his eyes slipped over the door, he finally found what he had sought. The trapped air finally left Viserys's chest, life returning to him as he met Darla's dark gaze. As soon as he had spotted her, he lost her. Unable to do anything as Darla slipped out of the Great Hall and out of his sight.


The door was thrown open in Viserys's urgency, he felt as if he couldn't breathe until Darla was in his sight. The weight on his chest lessened as he spotted inky dark spilling over the armrest of the settee.

Her name left his lips in a breathy whisper as he fell to his knees beside the settee. Darla merely hummed in response, not even glancing his way as Viserys reached for her hand.

"Please speak to me," Viserys begged. "If I have done something to upset you, tell me."

Darla stifled the smile that threatened to grow, instead she sighed. "I feel disappointed that is all."

"What has upset you so, my heart?"

"I had thought," Darla forces her voice to come out breathy and stuttered, as if she was on the verge of tears. The hand that Viserys doesn't hold falls to her stomach, stroking over the flat plane. "When I had your child that..."

Viserys's eyes track the movement, widening as he comes to a conclusion. "You mean?"

Darla nods, confirming his hopes.

Viserys beams, inching closer and lifting Darla's hand to press over his beating heart. "Our son will be king, have no worry. Rhaenyra is merely a precaution, nothing more."

"Truly?" Darla finally turns to look at Viserys, causing the man's heart to beat faster under her palm.

"Truly. Once we are wed our son will be my heir."

Darla's body follows her command, tears welling up in her eyes as her breathing becomes shallower.

"I can't." She cries, turning away from Viserys and tearing her hand from his.

"Do not cry," Viserys attempts to soothe the younger girl. "Tell me what is the matter so I might rectify it."

"I am lowborn, the daughter of a whore. I had never seen such finery before the day I first stepped into the Red Keep. I am ill suited to be your wife, my king. The realm will never accept me as your wife," Darla turns over, grasping Viserys hands. "You must choose someone else."

"I could never."

"You must," Darla argues. "I could not handle if I was the cause of such shame on House Targaryen. I would leave before I caused such a thing."

"I need you at my side, Darla." Viserys whispers, lifting Darla's hands to his mouth and brushing his lips over her knuckles. "We will choose a new queen together, but know she will never have me as you do."

Darla pushes her self up, taking her hands from Viserys's hold. Her fingers spread over his jaw and neck, pulling his face closer to hers. She leads his lips to hers, feeling him sink into the kiss. His heavy hand caressed her abdomen, searching for the life within her empty womb.  A smile pulls at the corner of her mouth, at her success. Her plan was going perfectly.

AN: I'm finally off bedrest and the crazy amount of pain meds I was on so I can actually write instead of having weird lucid dreams about Aemond and Daemon having a dance battle in my living room.


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