Chapter Fourteen

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The planning for the royal wedding had quickly begun following Viserys's announcement. Ravens had flown from King's Landing to the noble houses across the realm, inviting the lords and ladies to attend. Stonemasons and carpenters had been called to the castle to restore the apartments Darla had chosen. At the King's urging the project had been completed quickly, ready to be presented before the King's wedding.

Darla stared at the grand doors, her skin buzzed with anticipation, eager to see her new apartments. She glanced to her side, flashing a soft smile to the younger girl on the other side of the King. Alicent returned the small smile, before turning back to the door.

"Are you ready?" Viserys asked, pressing his hand against Darla's lower back.

At Darla's nod the doors were pushed open and the three entered into a small foyer.

An extravagant archway to the right opened into a large solar. Originally, built at Maegor the Cruel's command to house the Black Brides. The Apartments had been abandoned and fallen into disrepair following the tyrannical ruler's death until Darla had chosen the rooms to house her and the new queen.

A grand fireplace stood against the southern wall with two plush seats facing it. A round table similar to the one in the King's rooms sat in the middle of the rectangular space, past two large settees facing each other. The northern wall nearest the settees was lined with large windows overlooking the Blackwater Bay.

Darla beamed, turning to Viserys to press a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you, Your Grace. It is absolutely perfect."

Viserys grinned at Darla's praises, attempting to chase after her touch as she pulled away. Darla turned to Alicent, gently taking her hand and leading her further into the apartments.

"This room has been converted into a privy," Darla pointed to the door closest to the heath, before pointing to the doors behind one of the settees. "That is my bedchamber and this," She paused, opening the doors across from her chambers. "Shall be yours."

Alicent gasped as she took in the room. Windows lined two of the walls draped with light blue curtains. A plush chaise sat in front of the windows, a small table sat nearby holding a bouquet of white and pink lilies. Alicent's fingers gently traced over the petals, breathing in the sweet scent.

"They are your favorites, are they not?" Darla asked, slowly moving further into the room.

"They were my mother's," Alicent reminisced. "They remind me of her."

Darla hummed, moving closer to Alicent's side. "This room will be yours and yours alone," She motioned to the large four poster bed against the other wall. "Just as this bed will be only yours, though if you get lonely I am only across the solar."

Heat rises to Alicent's cheeks, painting her fair complexion a rosy hue in the face of Darla's teasing grin. "I uh- I."

"Now come," Darla instructed, moving back towards the solar. "The seamstress shall be here shortly."

Alicent nodded, she looked around her new chambers for a moment, realizing the care Darla must have put into its design. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she turned to follow after the older girl. Perhaps Darla had been correct and Alicent would survive.


Light streamed through the windows of Alicent and Darla's solar, a large mirror had been moved to stand in front of the windows. Darla reclined across one of the settees, her fingers tangled in chains of shining silver and glittering jewels as she admired the jewelry. Occasionally her eyes flitted up to glance at Alicent, watching as Alicent was fitted for her wedding dress. The white gown was simple red silk peeked out under the sleeves, flashing in the midday sun.

"What do you think, my lady?" The seamstress questioned, stepping back from the teen.

"It's," Alicent pauses, attempting to force a smile to her lips. "It's lovely, thank you."

Darla studies Alicent's reflection in the mirror, recognizing the hollow look on her face. She sighs, sitting up and dropping the necklace she had been fiddling with onto the low table separating the settees. Dark eyes flick to the seamstress. "Would you leave us for a moment?"

"Of course, my lady." The tradeswoman nods, quickly leaving the rooms.

Alicent's eyes fall to her hands, watching as her fingers intertwine and her nails dig into her flesh. Darla slowly stands up, making her way to Alicent. She carefully reaches out, taking Alicent's hands in her own and halting the self-mutilation.

"What are you thinking?"

Honey brown eyes briefly flick up to meet dark brown before falling back to the floor. "The- the union," Alicent pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Is it- Does it hurt?"

"It is different for everyone the first time," Darla speaks slowly, scared to frighten Alicent further. "It depends if your partner takes the time to prepare you, if they are attentive it can be pleasurable."

"Does His Grace- is it pleasurable for you?" Alicent's hands twist, tangling with Darla's.

"Not always," Alicent's eyes snap to Darla's, wide and unbelieving at the smile spreading across Darla's lips. "But I have gotten good at faking it. He does not even notice anymore." The corners of Alicent's lips tick upward, mirroring Darla's grin. "I can show you how, if you'd like?"

There is a beat of silence before Alicent slowly nods. Darla carefully turns Alicent to face the mirror once more, moving to stand behind her so their faces are side by side.

"Take a deep breath," Darla instructs, tapping Alicent's side. "It is important you remember to relax."

Alicent nods, plush lips parting as she deeply inhales.

"Good," Darla pretends to ignore the slight flush of Alicent's cheeks at the small praise, choosing instead to hide the memory away for a later time. "His Grace prefers to be on top, so all you need to worry about is your expressions."

"How do you mean?"

"Tilt your head back," Darla directs, gently tapping on Alicent's chin. Alicent follows Darla's direction, auburn curls brushing against Darla's shoulder. "Let your eyes fall faintly closed and open your mouth slightly.

She replicates the expression for Alicent to duplicate.

"And when the time comes you merely arch your back," One of Darla's hands moves to Alicent's back pressing forward while her other hand attaches to Alicent's hip, keeping her lower half stable. She tilts her head slightly, turning into Alicent so her lips brush against auburn curls. "And if you wish for him to truly believe it you sigh."

Darla's lips part, softly sighing into Alicent's ear. Her gaze hold's Alicent's through the mirror for a moment before she steps back.

"Do all that and His Grace will believe the union to be mutually rewarding."

"Yes, I-" Alicent's tongue darts out to wet her lips, her hand raising to press over her chest in an effort to calm her racing heart. "Thank you for teaching me."

"There is no need to thank me," Darla grins. "Shall I call the seamstress back?"

"Yes." Alicent nods, focusing her attention back on her gown.

Darla nods, turning from Alicent to move to the doors. Her hand presses to her chest, she can feel the rapid beating of her heart against her palm. 

AN: I should be writing an essay instead of focusing on fictional lesbians that haven't even kissed yet! The author should really get on that smh


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