Chapter 2 : First step to Tōtsuki

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(????'s POV)



In the morning, I was cleaning the Yukihira restaurant after dealing with Yaeko and her four companions last night, resulting in all of them cancelling their intention to take down this restaurant after I gave them pork roast. Now, I am sitting on the wooden ladder chair, cleaning the name board.

Then I hear footsteps coming from behind, and I turn back. It's my father, wearing a white coat, black shirt, and white pants, carrying his bag behind his right shoulder.


"Looks like something happened here," he says to me while looking at the partially dirtied name board that I cleaned.

"Eh, it was no big deal. Just some rude customers," I reply with a relaxed tone.

'I don't care who shows up, this place will never go down.'

'Yukihira is my castle after all.'

'And it's here that I will perfect my cooking!'

I dialoguing in myself.

Then my father calls me and says something unexpected.


"I think I'm gonna close this place up for two or three years," my father said suddenly.

I startle and fall off from my wooden ladder to the ground.

'What the fuck!?'

"So uh...yeah. Guess I'd better go apologize to the regulars." He said.

"HOW ABOUT APOLOGIZING TO YOUR OWN SON FIRST?!" I shouted with frustration.

This is way too sudden man!

"An old buddy asked if I'd come work with him for a bit, I'm gonna go stay with him awhile. So I won't be coming back here." he talked while entering the restaurant.

"Wha-?! You can't just up and-" not finished my word yet he just cutting off.

"I'll be taking off as soon as I pack."


Why it turned like this!?

"I'll deposit money into your account for living expenses every so often."

This man-!

"Hold it!"

But I'm not giving up yet!

'I wanted to train here to surpass you one day!'

For sure!

"I wanted to stay here-"

Then he give me small punch to my chest and I stopped talking. Then he talking while keeping his fist at front my chest.

"It's time for you to left the nest, Souma."

Then he continued.

"Go out there and see what you're made of."

And that's how my journey started, entering the culinary school called :

' Tōtsuki Culinary Academy'



~Several weeks later~

(Third Person's POV)

Some people entered the bus at bus stop and went to each destination including Tōtsuki Culinary Academy. In the bus Souma wearing a black coat summer school uniform over his black shirt Yukihira. He want to sit, but it's already full. He sighed and didn't have a choice other than standing up.

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