Chapter 1 : An Invitation to Tōtsuki

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(Third Person's POV)
After few days passed with the Graduation Ceremony of 3rd year Kunugigaoka Junior High School students,the students of Class E began to pursue their own path to achieve their goal like what they want to be in the future based on what they told to Korosensei back then in career consultation.

There is one of the former Class E student who currently working as chef assistant in Wasamasa Akabane Restaurant, a 5-star restaurant known with their special spicy food flavour. It become very popular among Japan and tourist as culinary destination, because of its Delicacy with Wasamasa seasoning as their speciality. And one day, a boy who is now working on his job...




(Karma's POV)

(In the Kitchen)


"One Wasamasa Beef Steak Please!" shout one of chef in the kitchen that clipping order paper on the small rope.


I shouted back and going to make the beef by took one Tenderloin and release it from the packaging after leave it about 30 minute ago,then began to spread the Wasamasā special sauce on the meat.

~A few minute later~


"One Wasamasa Beef Steak is ready!"
I put the food on the dish counter and soon my mom took the dish as a waitress to bring it to the customer.
I soon go back to prepare another order.


(10 : 00 PM the restaurant then closed after all the customer leave out)


As I'm done and leave the kitchen,The Head Chef Mr. Kiriyama approched me.

"Impressive as always. Good work, Son of Akabane." He said to me.

"Thank you, mister." I reply to him.

"Hope you could keep up with your performance tomorrow." Kiriyama said again.

"I'll not let myself dulled." I said back to him.

"Good. Then I'll be go to handle other staff. Excuse me."

Kiriyama then going to looking for other staff.

"Finally it's over.." I stretched myself and then mom approched me.

"You doing it well, Karma." said my mother with a smile.

"Thank you. Okaa-chan doing it well too as well." I replied mom.

Then my mom chuckled

"Ahaha, actually I couldn't working better than my smart son." said my mom while putting tip of her hand at front of her mouth.

"Hee~, Okaa-chan said those thing while you are one of the best chef that won many competition and participate almost any master chef competition in many country. And now you are working as a waitress at 5-star restaurant rather cooking in a kitchen with your superb skill." I said with a smirk and then my mom chuckled again replying me with playful tone.

"Ahaha, but your mom just good at one skill, compared with my smart son who mastered not just cooking skill, but also in academic, as well in assassination tasked to kill his own teacher who become a threat and saved the world , like a hero that many children wished to be like in superhero film."

My parent know about Korosensei because that octopus visiting the restaurant so often sometimes with my classmate like Nagisa, Kayano and the other to taste our dish by treat them due to the cost that quite expensive for most of them. I didn't suprised of his doing thought he give us an effort and motivation too as well to killing him since he was our teacher that we should kill.

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