Chapter 4: An Entrance Exam

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(Third's Person POV)


(At the exam entrance room)


All students gathered in the room and faced the proctor of the exam. Souma standing beside Karma. There are two girls with Tōtsuki uniforms. One of them with blonde hair then speak up.

 One of them with blonde hair then speak up

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"My Name is Nakiri Erina. I have been given the duty of overseeing today's transfer exam." Said the blonde named Erina introducing herself.

Then she continued asking the girl next to her.

"What are the guidelines for this test?"

The girl with short magenta hair responded to her.

"As follows, miss. The first interview was in groups of ten, based on application. Next, each candidate will cook two or three trial dishes. Those who pass this stage will then-"

"HMPH! How tedious." She cut her.

She put her index finger on her chin thinking something.

"I know...."

Then she ordered the Magenta hair while keeping her gaze directly toward the participants.

" Bring me the ingredients counter!"

" Yes, miss!"


The Magenta girl brought the ingredients counter as Erina ordered. Then Erina took an egg and explaining about the exam.

"Egg will be your main ingredient. You each will prepare one dish. Those who please my palate will earn entrance to the Tōtsuki Saryo Culinary Institute. However..."

She continued while the participants were jolted to fear and sweating.

"For the next minute only, I will accept all withdrawals from the test without question."

All the students, except Souma and Karma, were scared hearing her words and run scattered everywhere to escape the test sooner.

" What the-!?"

Souma was surprised while Karma keep silent looking at the other student. Nikado who was about to leave stopped by Souma holding his shoulder.

"Hey hold on!! Why are you running away!?" He shouted.

"HIEEEEEE!! LET ME GO!! Don't tell me you don't know who the ladyship IS!?" Nikado replied loudly while scared.

"I don't know," Souma replied.

"She began in the institute's junior high and was the Valedictorian of her class," said Nikado.

"Okay and?", Souma said with blank face.

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