Tex POV (7)

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"Hurry up and hide all that shit, he will be here soon", in the Frost Sun pack we have been dabbling with different things to bring in more money.

Ranger is so arrogant, he thinks he owns everything, but he don’t, not quite yet and I won't let him, I’m not going down with out a fight.

After the meeting was over he tried to leave, I had to apologize witch pissed me off, the fucking Lycan that caused me to say sorry will get a fucking kick in, "I hear you have found your fated partner?" "Yeah, what of it?" Fucking Prick "what’s her name so we can send our condolences, sorry I mean congratulations" the people around me laughed "her name is Aria, A.R.I.A, make sure you spell it right" "Aria, that’s a beautiful name, you don't hear it very often" Dee said sitting next to me, 'Aria, Aria, Aria' I said in my head, that mane sounds familiar, "Aria Carter?" Someone said from the guards, that's it, she the unscented one everyone tried to get into heat.

I bust out laughing "that’s her, what’s so fucking funny?" He said annoyed, "how did you get an unscented to go in to heat?" "Was she from this pack?" "She is my sister, she left years ago" said the young alpha, you can't expect me to remember everyone’s name.

"She still is apart of this pack and you took her without permission, you must hand her back at once" I said standing up.

This is our chance to get another foot up, he will give her back to us and if he wants her back, that he will as she is his fated partner, he will pay big time to get her back, yes we are going to be stinking rich.

"That’s not going to happen, you kicked her out, she was a nomad, don’t be sprouting that shit to me, she’s told me everything" "she’s lying" I shouted, "I trust her, more than I trust you" "is it war you want?" I said thinking he would back down, going to war over some bitch is extreme, "I will kill every single one of you if you even lay a hair on her head", he turned and left with his entourage with him.

I was shocked to the spot, I would do a lot for Dee but I wouldn't go to war for her, yeah she's my fate partner but if she dies, I will just have lots of mates to fuck.

I got all my fighters to come to a meeting, "the mission is to get Aria Carter back from the Blood Moon Night" "but Sir, they are strongest pack" "we will find a away to get in and out unnoticed, you there, what’s your name? You said she was your sister" "my name is Dixson and his name is Curtis, we are two of her brothers" "how many is there?", two of my lieutenants that were stood next to me stepped forward, "shit, her family infiltrated the whole pack, even you Mitch" "what are you going to do with her once we have her?" One asked, "what to you care what I will do to her? You all turned your back on her years ago as I did, now she has more power than I do, I’m not going to fucking take it lying down, she needs to go, if we need to kill her then so be it".

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