Aria's POV (16)

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I lay there just watching Ranger sleep, just looking at him he looks loads better than he did when I got here last night, I don’t know who’s clothes I stole outside, I should probably find out who's they were and apologize.

When I was here the last time I hardly knew anyone, out of the 80 or so people that live in the pack house and the two others buildings besides, I probably only know 5 people, I will defiantly make an effort this time, I also know some of them won't like me for leaving but I will try.

"Is my beautiful mate awake?" He said pulling me closer, "I see your strength is back", he rolled me on my back as he got on top of me, "it's all because of you, you saved me Aria, I had come to terms with dying" I covered his mouth "don't say that, if you died, I would have never forgiven myself" he moved my hand "I love you Aria" "I love you to Ranger" "I've waited so long for you to say them words to me" he said as he kissed me.

We had fantastic morning sex, down at breakfast, Cash was just about to leave, "Cash I need a word with you" Ranger said, looking mad, "ok boss, hear me out, I hated seeing you like that" "shut up, I want to thank you for going against my wishes by telling her, if you didn't, she wouldn't be here now, I want you to arrange a feast" "Ranger, don't do all this for me" he turned to me, "the last feast didn't go to well for you, you hated it here and you didn't eat or drink anything, this time we can properly celebrate our pairing" I just nodded, he looked so excited to show me of to everyone, I will let him do whatever he wanted this time.

We ate our breakfast in room 2, I've even missed this room, I'm still not a big eater like Ranger is.

I finished my food so I waited for him to finish, 'Midnight, are you there?' Nothing 'come on I know your there, I want to say thank you for helping me get here faster, even with two years practice with my Lycan form, I'm still a klutz, I just want to tell you that I'm never going to leave again, please talk to me' 'you promise that you won't leave again?' 'There you are, I've missed you, I know we wasn't together for long, I know it's all my fault for putting you through all this, I'm truly sorry' 'I've always been here, even when I stopped talking, I still was here' she said, I smiled at that "you ok over there?" Ranger said as he put more food in his mouth, "Midnight" I said pointing to my head, 'Midnight, would you like to run later?' She didn’t say anything 'shall I ask if Maddox will run with you? I bet he's missed you' I added, 'yes please' she whispered, I thought she would be more excited to see him, maybe she thinks I won't do it.

"Ranger, can you spare me some time later?" "Sure, I got a meeting at four then after that, I'm free" "Midnight and I would like a running date with Maddox and yourself" "we would like that very much" 'hear that, it's a date'.

We were in the woods, taking our clothes off, "you still going to shy away from my naked body?" Ranger teased, I kissed his chest and took a few steps back, 'Midnight, it's your turn'.

The pain ripped through my body but it only lasted a few seconds, "wow, your Lycan form is so beautiful" Ranger said stroking my ears, "you have definitely grown, maybe because you have embracing your Lycan, not stunting her, I’m going to shift now", Midnight took a few steps back, remembering how big Maddox is.

When Maddox came out, I could hear Midnight whimper, it made me cry, I had kept her away from him for so long, I couldn't even imagine how much she’s been hurting, all I thought about was myself, I never took her feelings into consideration.

'You ok?' Ranger asked, 'I just feel terrible, she’s loved him from day 1 and I’ve kept them apart' 'but your staying now, so they can be with each other'.

They ran, hunted and did the dirty deed many times, it was wrong seeing them do it but I suppose it's the same with her seeing us do it, Ranger tried to distract me from them.

Dr Anderson came later that evening to do a once over on Ranger, he was on 'deaths door' is how he put it, I hated it, he also wanted to check me over also, I left two years ago still malnourished, he just wanted to make sure I was fit and well for when our pups come.

We laid in bed, I was cuddled up next to him, he was reading something, I looked up at him and said, "do you want to have some pups with me?" He closed his eyes and put his head back "yeah, I do" he whispered, I got on top of him, grabbing what ever he was reading, throwing it on the floor, I took his face in my hands so he was looking at me, "I, Aria Carter, your mate, will except anything and everything you give me" "can we have lots of pups? I’ve always imagined having a large family" "I will give you as many pups as my body will allow me", he was happy with that answer, he roll us over so he was now on top "I will hold you to that".

We had sex all night, right up until the early morning, we only had to stop as I was exhausted and near enough passed out.

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