Ranger's POV (9)

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"Ah shit, I’m Cumming again" I shouted as I unloaded in her for the 100 time, Aria panting on the bed, she’s been incoherent for the past few hours, no words, just sex, that's all she wants and me being her mate gladly gave it to her, I would do anything for her, I love her so much, I know she’s only having sex with me right now is because of her heat, not that she wants to have sex with me.

I understand, I bit her without permission but we are fated, she doesn't feel it, but I do, I know she’s the one and only one for me.

I lay in bed watching her sleep, I can smell that her heat is all but over now, this will probably be the last night she spends in my room, I think I may have gone a little over bored, she’s got so many hickies and bite marks everywhere.

In the morning, she was gone, but I expected it, 'do you think she likes us yet?' Maddox asked, he ask the same question most mornings, 'I don’t think so or she would have still been in bed this morning' 'oh right', it was sad seeing him like that, other then Cash, Maddox is my strength, I just don't know what to do, Maddox is sad because Aria does not love us and won't let Midnight out.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some breakfast for Aria and myself, where ever she is.

Some of the other alphas teased me a little about being locked away for a week while everyone ran havoc, "hey Ranger, why is Aria standing outside? You haven't broke her again?" Cash came in to the kitchen.

I looked out the window and I could just about see her, I left our food on the counter and went outside to her, grabbing my jacket on the way.

"Aria, please come inside, its cold out here, you have no shoes on" I said placing the jacket over her and picked her up, "wait, I smell my brother" "brother? From the Frost Sun pack?" 'Are they really going to go to war over her?' 'Looks like it' "its Dixson, I smell him over that way' she pointed, just as she did, someone walked out from the forest, "go inside, I will go talk to him" "he’s my brother, I want to go to him" she panicked, "it might be dangerous" "put me down, he is my brother" "the same brother that disowned you like everyone else did" "it wasn’t like that, he had to, put me down, I want to go to him".

She tried to get out of my grip, she was so weak for her heat and all the sex we had, "stop, your not going to him", he took a few more steps out of the forest, he stumbled and fell to the floor, "DIXSON, DIXSON" "shut up, what are you doing?" "I want to go to him, he needs me" "no", she looked me dead in the face and said, "if you don’t put me down now, you will never touch me again".

I hesitated for a second before putting her down, the second her feet touched the floor, she set off running to him, I was close behind her, scanning everywhere.

We got to him, Aria turned him over, he was in a very bad way, his clothes and flesh was all torn up, "Dixson, shift, you can heal faster" she cried, "wait... I need.... To.... Say... They are coming.... Full Moon" then he must have passed out with the pain, "shift, Dixson, shift" she begged.

"Step back" "no, I won't leave him" "just move back, I’m going to try to get him to shift" 'we have never done it before, also he’s not from our pack' 'please try for her' 'I will try my hardest, what’s his name?' "Aria, what’s his Lycan's name?" "It's Bear" 'his name is Dixson and his Lycan is called Bear' 'please give me a little time'.

I took him inside, I tried to put him in a spare room but Aria was adamant she wanted him in her room, I told her that I would put him in there if she would come and eat breakfast with me, she agreed.

We were eating when Maddox popped up and said 'I’ve found it, we can make him shift, do you think we could use it....' 'Don’t even finish that sentence, I will never use it on her' 'sorry, I’m ready when you are', "hurry up and finish eating, Maddox knows how to make Dixson shift".

I had to surround him in my pheromones but the ones that help me shift, I don’t know how to explain it, it's like I’ve cast a spell on him to bring out Bear.

It took a few attempts but I finally did it, Dixson changed into his Lycan form, he was average sized, there wasn't anything really special about him, his fur was all different shades of grey, I do have to admit, his pattern was nice to look at.

She stayed with him, treating his wounds, I grabbed as many Lycan’s as I could to scout the forest for anyone else, Cash and I, back tracked where Dixson had come from.

'He had been bleeding for a long way' Cash mind linked with me, I don’t like other people in my head, it's bad enough with just Maddox in there.

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